Jim Rohn was full of wise words for entrepreneurs. I listened to audio recordings pretty much on a daily basis in the beginning of my network marketing career. Actually I still listen to Jim Rohn audios, especially when I feel unmotivated.

The quote above seems pretty simple. If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way. That’s an important attitude to have as you build your network marketing business. Is that the way you approach your business?

I remember when I was starting out in network marketing. I was in desperate financial situation. We nearly lost our house. There were bill collectors calling. It was a really rough time. That was fifteen years ago. That troubled time was a blessing because it was during that time that I found the company that I would build my career in network marketing. It was the answer to our financial problems and it would eventually give us full time FREEDOM!

That freedom my family and I experience is the reason I feel very passionate about helping other people experience freedom for themselves.

Network Marketing is awesome but it requires serious hard work. Most people will not ever see time and financial freedom because they are not willing to do what it takes to be successful.

Do you know what you want?

Do you know your WHY?

Do YOU want to build a network marketing business big enough to experience time and financial freedom?

Are you willing to learn the marketing skills you need to build a successful business?

Are you willing to put in the time and be regularly and consistently doing what it takes?

Sadly, some marketers give up because things aren’t happening as fast as they would like. They have an attitude of, “I’ll give it a try and see what happens.”

You can’t approach your business with a try, we’ll see what happens attitude. That is a recipe for failure. The first bump in the road is often all it takes to derail people with a “try” attitude.

There WILL be bumps in the road. There will be many bumps. Sometimes it it will get down right discouraging but you MUST have an attitude of, “I WILL make this work! I will find a way!”

When you have a determined, nothing can stop me attitude, you don’t give up when things get tough. You make adjustments when something isn’t working. You know you will get there.

If you hang in there, you can do it. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you are taking the success of your business seriously.

To help you I made an EFT Tapping session on having a “Never Give Up” attitude.

EFT Tapping script in case you want to print

Think about WHY you are building this business.

Start tapping on the eyebrow point. (You can tap through any of the points)

I am going to succeed at this business.
I want this!
I am successful already because I am NOT giving up!
I will stick with it until I get there.
I want this, and I will fight for my dreams!
I know I can do this.
I start every day remembering WHY I am building this business.
I want this and I am not giving up.
I know there will be bumps in the road, but I will keep working at it.
I am persistent and focused on doing what it takes.
I keep learning and getting better.
I am developing new talents that I am using in my business.
I know I will make mistakes, but I am not afraid to make a mistake.
I refuse to give up.
I’m getting stronger and more confident every day.
I view the bumps in the road as exercises that strengthen me.
Setbacks do NOT scare me.
I make adjustments as I go.
I am exercising my skills.
I see others who have done what I want to do.
If they can do it, I can too.
I know where I am going and I persist towards my goal.
I am persistent and I am reaching my goals.
I want this and I am NOT giving up!
I am willing to put in the time and do the work.
I am willing to learn what I need to learn.
I’m NOT giving up!!
I know I can do this!
I refuse to give up.
I am relentless and persistent.
I am gratefully allowing success.

Take a big deep breath.

Feel free to return as often as you want and use any of the EFT tapping sessions.

EFT Tapping - Never Giving Up Tapping

Do you ever have those days when you feel like throwing in the towel? You find yourself wondering, “Is all this really worth the effort?” “Will this ever get easier?”

Yea, I know how that feels. There were many days, especially in the early days of building my network marketing business that I felt like giving up. I had doubts about my ability to get it done. I saw some people build their business really fast but I was at the mercy of my moods, which were up and down. The problem is, the Law of Attraction is always at work in your life. Your success in network marketing depends on your allowing abundance. Whatever you are focusing on, with emotion, is what you will attract.

Daily EFT can help keep your thoughts and emotion in a positive, attracting energy. Try the EFT Tapping Script below when you have days when you are wondering if it is worth the effort or you are feeling like giving up.

EFT for Network Marketing Success
You can use any Essential Oil Blends on your fingertips as you tap through the points. Here are a few good ones:
Abundance, Field, Motivation, Highest Potential, Magnify Your Purpose, Release
My personal favorite oil to use with this issue is Field. Field oil blend is one of the Oola oils and is for growing in your chosen field.

Even though I don’t know if this is worth all the effort, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m not really sure I can do this business, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like giving up, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I feel like giving up.
I’m not sure all this hard work is really worth it.
I feel like giving up.
This seems so HARD.
So much work.
Prospecting and following up.
Growing and leading a large team.
I’m probably never going to succeed anyway.
I might as well just quit.
Sometimes I just want to quit.
It’s too hard.
It’s taking too long.
I’m losing faith.
I have all these doubts.
Why bother?
Am I just kidding myself?
I feel like giving up.
I feel like throwing in the towel.
Is it really worth the effort?

EFT for Network Marketing Success
I choose to let go of all this need to give up.
Clearing all the doubt.
Releasing all of this self doubt.
I DO have what it takes to succeed.
Releasing ALL of the doubts about that.
Clearing them at a cellular level.
Clearing these doubts from every fiber of my being.

Is it really worth the effort?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I know it’s worth the effort.
I know people who have done it.
I know people who have time and financial FREEDOM,
and I want that too!
I am allowing myself to be clear about what’s really worth the effort.
Allowing myself to be clear about what is for my highest good, and I choose to stick with it.
I choose to feel good about sticking with it.
There have been times when I did stick with things.
I am going to stick with this!
There are rewards for sticking to this business.
I deserve those rewards.
I remember WHY I am building my business.
I am visualizing it daily.
I am allowing myself to achieve that.
I love knowing that this is SO WORTH THE EFFORT!
I love knowing that I can do this.
I am so grateful for all the prosperity in my life.

Take a deep breath.

Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends Here

Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends to use with EFT.

Your success in network marketing is up to you. Whether you build a full time income or whether you never earn a dime. It’s all up to you and it’s all in your head.

There is a difference between the top earners and the ones who never earn any money in network marketing. The top earners spend a little time every day doing things that will improve their skills and confidence. They read newsletters, books and listen to audios. They keep up with the latest news with their company, what’s working in marketing and things that improve their mindset.

Building skills and mindset affects the way you function every day in your business. It affects the way you carry yourself and the way others see you. It builds confidence. When you have that, you talk with authority and more people listen.

There are things that we all have in our heads that came from past experiences. Some of those things in our head can cause limiting beliefs and mental blocks to success or earning a lot of money. Sometimes people have a ceiling where they can get to a certain level in the leadership ranks or an amount of income and then the limiting beliefs kick in and we can find ourselves sabotaging our efforts.

Procrastination is one of the biggest sabotaging behaviors people get into. Procrastination is pretty much always coming from some underlying fear or limiting belief.

Think about what you want to accomplish in your business. Do you want to supplement income or build a business to the point where you can be full time?

Now look at your daily actions in your business. Are you promoting your business? You should have between 3-5 different marketing methods that you use every day.

If you are promoting your web site, are you checking email and responding to emails and phone calls?

If you are going for days without talking to people about your business or doing any promotion or followup, you have some limiting belief that is holding you back.

EFT is wonderful to help release limiting beliefs. That is why I love supplementing personal development training with EFT. EFT never replaces personal development training. It enhances it.

Personal development is at the root of every successful network marketer. I would be willing to say it is the absolute most important ingredient for success.

Our thinking affects everything. It is crucial that we build our success mindset.

Here is a video I did recently on why we must be ALWAYS improving our success mindset. I have also included an EFT Tapping Session on Belief.

Your self-esteem begins to be undermined by things people told you and feelings about negative experiences you had when you were young. Many people have been treated poorly and told they won’t amount to much or compared to another child.

Even when we were treated well by family, there are things that can happen over the years of our childhood and teen age years that can affect our self-esteem. Those little things can accumulate and affect the way we operate as an adult.

rejectedYou can use EFT to help release some of the negative feelings around these issues. Try thinking back on anything in your childhood that made you feel embarrassed, rejected or not good enough. If you were always picked last for the sports team or felt left out in some way. Things like this stay in our subconscious and can cause you to hold back in your network marketing business or other things you are striving to accomplish in your life.

Think of some of these incidents that happened in the past. Take notice how strong the negative feeling is on a scale between 0-10. Ten being the most most powerful negative feeling.

Now as you start tapping, think of how you felt. Tap through the points in the EFT Tapping Script below. Keep going through the first part with the negative until you feel the negative emotion drop to zero. Young Living Essential Oils users may want to use Release Essential Oil blend with this part of the process.

Once you get the negative feeling down to zero, you can do some positive feeling tapping. Use a mood uplifting essential oil blend for this part. I like Joy or Acceptance oil blends for the second part of the EFT session where you shift to forward moving energy and mindset.

You can change the script below to fit whatever feelings or issues you want. The important thing is to feel and release the negative feelings around the incidents. You can do this over and over with anything you want. Sometimes as you are tapping, you will remember other incidents that bother you. You could add those to a list of things to tap next.

Start on the Karate Chop Point
If you know of something specific that has contributed to lower self esteem, you can tap on that.Release Essential Oil with EFT If you are not sure what to tap on, you can tap on some general

Even though they told me I’d never amount to anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel good about myself, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though a part of me doesn’t like myself at all, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.
Even though I am not worthy of success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Round One: Focusing on the Feelings

(eyebrow) I don’t like myself much.
(side of eye) I am having trouble accepting myself.
(under eye) I feel defective and don’t feel confident.
(nose) I don’t think I’ll ever accept myself.
(chin) I don’t like myself.
(collarbone) I don’t accept who I am.
(under arm) I They told me I was not good enough.
(head) I don’t like myself.

Keep repeating round one until you feel the negative emotions are released.

Round Two: Implant Positive
(eyebrow) What if I could like myself?
(side of eye) They were wrong to say I wouldn’t amount to much
(under eye) I know they were wrong!
(nose) I have so many wonderful qualities.
(chin) People are drawn to me because of my magnetic personality.
(collarbone) I choose to recognize my own unique qualities.
(under arm) I appreciate who I am now.
(head) I am so grateful for my growing self-esteem.

Try using EFT to release things that would block your network marketing success. Listen to your intuition when using oils with EFT. There are many Young Living Oil blends that can be used for emotional clearing with EFT. Use whatever oil feels right. It will likely be a good one.

It is possible to build a successful network marketing business if you have ADD. You will have an extra challenge but it really can be done. I have a very successful leader in my downline who is an example. She is a Silver in Young Living and presently working towards Gold.

If you are are dealing with the challenge of ADD, you can do it too. It will take a little effort but if you direct that effort you can make things happen.

Generally there are things that you do on a daily basis that you may not want to do but they need to get done so you do them. You wash dishes, sweep the floors, clean the bathroom. Everyone has that. It’s part of life. If you have kids, you have to get them up, feed them and get them off to school.

Most people who have ADD are usually able to go to a job every day. On a JOB, you have a daily method of operation. If you want to keep your job and thus, earn a living, you must show up for work, not only that, you must arrive on time.

It is really important that you get a business mindset. Not realizing the importance of having a business mindset is one of the biggest reasons for failure in network marketing.

The trick is to find a way to get somewhat organized. Here are a few tips that may be helpful:

    1. Set Your Intent – This should be done every morning. Think about your WHY. You should know exactly why you are building your business. Reflect on this and then set your intent for the day. ASK: What do I want to accomplish today that will bring me closer to my goals?

    2. Keep A To Do List – Always have a To Do list and consult it often. to-do-listPrioritize. What are the most important things you need to get done today? Do those first.

    3. Have a Daily 10 Minute Routine – This is where you focus on things that MUST get done every day. Check and respond to email, Login to your Virtual Office, Welcome new members, Read email newsletters from upline. These are also things you do on days when you know you won’t be spending a lot of time on business.

    4. Set Time Limits – This is important. Set aside a set time to do certain tasks without interruption. Turn off phone, email and any other distractions and focus on the task.
    For example: If you are a blogger, it is a good habit to write for at least 20 – 30 minutes a day. This gets you in the habit of writing and produces content that can be either published immediately or saved as drafts for future posts.

Use the EFT tapping clip below to help you focus on a success mindset and remember your WHY.

EFT Tapping Clip: I WILL Succeed In Network Marketing: