“The only barriers to success are the ones you create in your own mind.” — Brian Tracy

It doesn’t matter what you are wanting to be successful in, whether you want to be successful in business, releasing excess weight, playing a winning game of golf or whatever.

Success is in the mind.

Success or failure comes from what is going on in your MIND. That is why it is imperative that you make changing negative thinking a priority. Negative thinking can really put a damper on the success of whatever goals you are working toward, especially if there are changes involved. You can talk yourself in or out of something because deep inside you are unsure or afraid. Your subconscious mind is always operating and it can be steering you in the wrong direction. It means well but it can be influenced by things from the past, people around us and many other influences. These things going on our head affect our beliefs. The negative thinking causes limiting beliefs.


You can influence your subconscious to work more in harmony with your goals for progressing in all sorts of areas in life but especially in building your network marketing business. I recommend reading the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. I have read several of his books and found them to be very helpful in understanding how powerful a tool we have in our own mind.

Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

If you believe it, you can see it accomplished. This is why I want to talk about EFT and the power of BELIEF!

Do you BELIEVE you will be able to reach your goals? Do you BELIEVE you can build a successful network marketing business? Do you believe anyone can build a successful business in the network marketing industry? This is something you need to think about. What you believe affects how successful you will be. It’s SO important to have a strong belief. We become what we believe.

If you can’t see it and BELIEVE it, you will have a really tough time reaching goals, especially goals where you need to step outside of your comfort zone like building a successful business, fitness goals learning new skills, and lots of other things.

Picturing, visualizing success is one important way to start building belief. See it! Feel it! BELIEVE it!

Young Living has a wonderful oil blend that helps with belief. It’s called Believe and is POWERFUL along with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Here is a quote from Gary Young on Believe essential oil: “Believe is an oil blend that really goes into the deep recesses of the brain and starts to establish your belief system in the DNA, and this is where Believe really works in the telomeres of the DNA strands in transmitting that information to the MRNA, the memory recall center. Believe is really powerful there. If you are believing that you cannot go out and build a business, if you are believing you cannot sponsor somebody cold on the street, then that will be your outcome.
If you want to change that then you can start putting some oil blends together like Acceptance, Release, Motivation…until you can start working toward that space of ‘I believe I can do this.’ ”

Believe essential oil is one that you will want to deeply inhale as you think about affirmations and visualize reaching your goals.

Using Believe essential oil along with tapping is a great way to way to help clear any limiting beliefs that block your success. You can also use the tapping to enhance visualization and affirmations. Just tap through the EFT points as you are visualizing your success or saying affirmations. EFT is also great for releasing doubts and fears that get in the way of belief in your abilities.

Just add a couple drops of oil to your fingertips and start tapping through the points. You can add specific doubts and fears where you want in with the tapping script. You can also tap through several times if you need a little more clearing on the issue.

Try this tapping script when you feel your belief slipping:

Even though I’m having doubts about my success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have doubts I can be successfully reach this goal, I choose to BELIEVE I can do it.
Even though my doubts are blocking my success, I’m willing to grow in confidence and belief.

I have all these doubts about success.
Can anyone be successful in this?
Can I be successful?
I have these doubts in my abilities.
I’m full of doubts.
I see others having success but I don’t know if I can do it too.
I really want to reach this goal.
I know this is just a lack of confidence.
I know there are ways to do this business that I can feel comfortable with.
I choose to feel confident.
I am moving forward in spite of my doubts.
I release the emotional attachment to the belief that success is for other people but not for me.
I can release all the doubts.
I choose to release all these doubts.
I am releasing the doubts.
I am releasing all the doubts about my ability to do this _______.
I am releasing all the doubts.
I can believe in myself.
I will let myself be full of confidence and belief.
I choose to believe in myself.

I choose to know I can reach my goals.
I love releasing the doubts.
I radiate confidence and belief.
I choose to be full of passion and abundance.
I love how confident I am feeling.
I am so strong and confident, other people are noticing it.
I radiate strong belief and confidence in myself.
I love how I feel when I know I am attracting abundance.
I LOVE that I am attracting the life I want.
I am a very successful, magnetic leader full of BELIEF!
Every CELL in my body is full of magnetic ABUNDANCE.
I am confident and successful, full of belief and passion.

Take a deep breath.

You might need to tap through this a few times, especially if you have a deeply ingrained fear that success is for other people but not for you. Change up the words if you need to. Tap about whatever fear or negative feeling you have.

Click here to ORDER BELIEVE essential oil TODAY!

There is a book I love and I encourage everyone who is serious about the success of their network marketing business to read. Actually, there are several I recommend but the book I am talking about is, What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, by Shad Helmstetter

EFT For Network MarketersYour self talk has a powerful impact on your success in any endeavor but particularly when building your network marketing business. The words you are using all day long can either lift you or tear you down. Your self talk can either lift your mood or ruin it. Attract abundance or repel it.

It is important to release the negative emotions and keep the energy in a positive state. Your emotions affect your energy. Your ABUNDANCE attracting energy! They affect the way you do things in your business. The negative emotion affect the way you step up and talk to people. This is important because network marketing is a business where you talk to people.

Affirmations can be helpful in redirecting our thinking and self talk into a more positive abundance attracting energy. If you are having a bad day and you are feeling really negative, repeating affirmations can really shift your mood.

Add some power to your affirmations by tapping on the EFT points as you focus on the words. EFT is a wonderful tool to make your affirmations more effective and shift your energy to a more abundance attracting energy vibration. Add some essential oils and really power up your Affirmation Tapping even more. I like Abundance oil for business related Affirmation Tapping.

Make sure your affirmations are positive, NOT negative. For example: Rather than saying, “I am not attracting rude, grouchy distributors”, say, “I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders who love the product.” Say whatever feels uplifting and empowering to your abundance.
Use the words, “I am” instead of “I will.” Saying, “I will” puts your goal off into the future. Instead of saying, “I will become Royal Crown Diamond” say, “I am building a Royal Crown Diamond team of distributors.”
Or, you could say, “I am Royal Crown Diamond.” If you have a little voice in your head disagreeing and saying, Ah, No you’re NOT!” Then word it like this, “I am attracting a Royal Crown Diamond team of distributors.”

A few ideas for Abundance Tapping:

    I am confident and I am loved
    I am confident and I am loving
    I am confident and I love it

    I am attracting a Royal Crown Diamond team.
    I LOVE that I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders.
    I am GRATEFUL that abundance flows to me through my network marketing business.
    I am a very successful, magnetic leader.
    I am worthy of receiving ABUNDANCE.
    I am allowing great ABUNDANCE.
    Every CELL in my body is attracting ABUNDANCE.
    I am like a MAGNET attracting ABUNDANCE and I am radiating ABUNDANCE.
    I am a confident and successful leader.
    I am comfortable talking to people about Network Marketing.
    I am confident and successfully building my business.

Add Abundance oil or another essential oil to your fingertips before you begin tapping through the EFT Points.

The EFT PointsEFT For Network Marketers - Tapping Points

KC = Karate Chop
EB = Beginning of the Eye Brow
SE = Side of the Eye
UE = Under the Eye
UN = Under the Nose
Ch = Chin
CB = Beginning of the Collar Bone
UA = Under the Arm
WR = Inside of Wrists
TH = Top of Head

You can also tap the fingertip points. I sometimes tap these points discreetly when I am in public. Each finger can be tapped at the base of the nail.

Think of a positive affirmation that will help shift your energy to a more confident one. Tap each point repeating the affirmation as you tap each point. You can say multiple affirmations as you are tapping if you choose. While you are doing this, try to keep a smile on your face. There is something about smiling that super charges this process.

Always be aware of the words you use and how they impact your emotional and abundance energy.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

EFT Affirmation Tapping Attract Business Builders

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

In order for you to create a different life, you have to see yourself differently. If you want to transform your life or your business, you need to see yourself differently. How do you see yourself right now? Do you see yourself as a successful person or do you feel that success is for other people?

It starts with a clear vision of what success looks like. Where do you want to go in your business. Do you want to supplement the income you already have? Do you want to have full time income working from home? Do you want financial freedom?

WHY are you building your business? If you haven’t really thought about why you are building your business, you need to stop and think about that right now. You need a clear vision about where you are going. Not only seeing it but FEELING it.

focusWhat you focus on, you attract more of. If you are focusing on what you do not like about your situation, you will attract more of the same. If you focus on what you don’t like about the way your business is going, you will keep attracting the same things. You want to be focusing on where you want to be in your business. Close your eyes and visualize how things will look when you have achieved your goal.

I like to talk through my visualization to help me get to the feelings. Use lots of feeling words as you are doing it. For example:

If you want to get to full time income, you need to get to leadership levels in your company. Visualize yourself on stage getting an award and say, “I am so excited for the day when I will walk on stage and get my award. I am wearing a sharp business suit and there are upline waiting at the side to congratulate me, people are cheering I am giddy with excitement. I feel so proud that I have achieved this and I love how it feels to be an inspiration to my friends who are also working toward this goal. It is so exciting to have financial and time freedom and be able to do whatever I want anytime I want.”

I like to visualize getting awards because it represents getting to the leadership ranks which means you have built a large organization. It is not the awards but the FREEDOM that comes with building your business. Add anything that adds to your vision of success. If you want to travel, add some visualization about that. Just keep thinking and talking about the way you would like it to be and the feelings that will bring.

Whenever you catch yourself focusing on negative things you don’t want, stop yourself and refocus on what you want it to look like.

EFT Oils - Envision
Young Living members have some helpful resources in the emotional oil blends. There are several that can be used here. Some possible choices are: Envision, Abundance, Dream Catcher, Live With Passion, Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation, Valor.

Click HERE for Information about Essential oils that enhance EFT.


Even though I am not there yet, I choose to remember WHY I am building this business.
Even though I always struggled with earning enough money, I am excited when I focus on the FREEDOM this business can bring me.
Even though I haven’t reached it yet, I love to focus on the FREEDOM this business can bring me.

I love to think about WHY I am building my business.
I am excited to be building financial FREEDOM.
I love to focus on the FREEDOM I want.
I am happy to think about having FREEDOM with my time.
It’s exciting to be able to follow whatever schedule I choose.
I choose freedom.
I know network marketing industry thrives in bad economy.
It is exciting to help other people fine their FREEDOM.

I spend a little time each day focusing on WHY I am building my business
I am on my way to FREEDOM.
I am visualizing FREEDOM.
I SEE it!
I am growing more and more confident every day.
I am remembering WHY I want my business to be successful.
I am so excited to be reaching my goals.
I choose to focus on WHY I am building this business.
I choose FREEDOM!!!

Try this visualization exercise:

Close your eyes and start to think about your goal. Tell a story in your mind or pretend you are watching a movie but instead of just watching the movie, step into the movie and become part of it. What does it look like? How does it feel? Picture yourself achieving it and living as though you have already attained it. Try to get as many details as you can.

Now, as you are visualizing, tap the EFT points. It doesn’t really matter which points. Just tap points as you visualize.

Do this EFT visualization exercise every day. One thing I notice when I do visualization this way is that the images get stronger each time. I find this especially helpful when I have trouble visualizing.

Visualization is a very important tool for your success. Adding EFT powerfully accelerates the whole visualization process.

Give it a try. Hey, it’s FREE. What if it works for you?

conscious-languageThe words we use on a regular basis can influence things.

Lately I have found myself using a phrase, “I don’t care.” far too often

A while back had a series of clumsy accidents. I tore ligaments in my knee, then re-injured it even worse than before. It changed the way was doing things in a major way. Because it was more than one injury, it took longer to recover than normal. I had to let go of a few things I was normally doing around the house.

The other problem is that after dealing with a couple months of a painful knee and back pain stemming from walking funny, I also began to get depressed. That’s where I started noticing those words showing up way too much. Whenever I would see something that needed to be done but I either couldn’t do it or didn’t feel like doing it, I’d say, “I don’t care.” There’s dust bunnies, “I don’t care.” Look at those spider webs, “I don’t care.”

That injury and the knee surgery was over a year ago but occasionally I still catch myself using the words “I don’t care” when I didn’t get something done. Yikes! Using the words “I don’t care” is not anyone’s best interest. There has to be some other words to use because those words are not true. I care very much.

We use affirmations to program our subconscious to be a certain way. EFT is a tapping of affirmations and statements to shift things emotionally and physically. Our words are VERY important. When we say things like “I don’t care” over and over we are actually programming our subconscious. Do we really want to program our subconscious not to care? What if that not caring overflowed to relationships with friends and family.

I have been thinking of a replacement phrase to say instead of “I don’t care.” I think I will say, “I’m not worried about it.” “I know it will get done when I’m ready.” “Ha Ha! There is another one.” Maybe I should have said, “I will meditate on that a bit.” 😉

When you catch yourself saying something or using words that are not in your best interest, stop, and say or think “Cancel” “Clear” or “Delete,” then reframe the words with something better.

Saying something once in a while isn’t going to hurt anything but when we keep saying something, that’s where we need to be careful. There is POWER in the words we use, especially ones we use often.

I can’t …
I am sick and tired of …
I’m tired …
I hate …
I hate to see …
I can never …
I can’t stand …
I’m broke.

You can’t create abundance or prosperity if you believe in lacks. You will need to reprogram yourself to believe that you can have abundance. Believing in lacks means you believe you will never have enough money for what you need.

Do you find yourself saying things like:

“I can’t afford that.”
“I just can’t seem to make ends meet.”
“I never have enough money.”

You need to stop programming yourself for a lack of abundance. Years ago when I first learned about abundance and conscious language, I realized I had to stop saying, “I can’t afford it.” Somehow when you say things enough, your subconscious makes sure it happens. I changed that to, “I don’t choose to spend money on that right now.

There is a book I highly recommend called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” by Joseph Murphy.

Energy follows thought. You get what you think about.

I thought I’d share a powerful energy routine that I just learned in a class I am taking. It is one that will rev up your energy for the day. It also lifts the mood.

joyfulNo matter what we are doing or whatever goals we are working toward, we need to have a good, positive energy vibration that will help us be successful. Always do something to put yourself in a good magnetic energy before you start working on your business. Try the EFT routine below to rev up your positive energy.

I always enhance the process by adding a couple drops of essential oil to my fingertips before I begin to tap. Oil blend choices: Joy, Abundance, Valor, Motivation, Gratitude, Live With Passion, Awaken, Believe, Harmony, Highest Potential, Hope, Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation.

Choose whatever oil you are drawn to. You can rotate different oils on different days.

handsTap through each sentence while tapping on the Karate Chop point, then tap through the points saying one sentence on each point. You can repeat as many times as you feel necessary.

I’m going to be happy.
I’m going to skip.
I’m going to be glad.
I’m going to smile a lot.
I’m going to be easy.
I’m going to count my blessings.
I’m going to look for reasons to feel good.
I’m going to dig up positive things from the past.
I’m going to look for positive things where I stand.
I’m going to look for positive things in the future.
It is my natural state to be a happy person.
It’s natural for me to love and to laugh.
This is what is most natural to me.
I am a happy person.
