When you are working toward goals and moving forward with something that can result in big changes in your life, the resistance will often show up. The bigger the goal, the bigger the resistance we can feel. Change can be scary.

resistanceWhat will success bring? What changes will come when we are successful? How will our life change? In an effort to protect us from the scary unknown, our subconscious will put up all kinds of resistance. It feels safer in that comfort zone. The subconscious is always trying to protect you and keep things comfortable.

Sometimes resistance will show up in the form of procrastination. It starts with a negative feeling: fear, feeling a little anxious, maybe a bad mood. We find ourselves getting distracted by other things. When we start building our business we want success but we may find ourselves sabotaging our efforts because we have a subconscious fear of change.

EFT can be a very helpful tool in working through feelings of resistance. Try the EFT session below whenever you feel a little resistance.

EFT Tapping on Resisting Change

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Valor, Acceptance, Release.
Click here for more info on EFT Oils

Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the Karate Chop Point, Repeat 3 Times:

Even though I am resisting change, I love and accept myself.
Even though I really love my comfort zone, I love and accept myself.
Even though It doesn’t feel safe to change, I love and accept myself.

Focusing on the Feelings
It doesn’t feel safe to change.
I have a fear of change.
Change really scares me.
It’s safer for me to stay in my comfort zone.
I know what to expect when I stay in my comfort zone.
I am afraid of change.
I am afraid to let this work because change scares me.
I feel safer in my comfort zone.

I’d rather stay stuck in my comfort zone.
It feels safer in my comfort zone.
I’d rather be safe than successful.
I am afraid to try something new.
I success would bring change.
Change feels dangerous.
I am afraid of the unknown.
I am resisting change.

Switch to Positive

I am releasing my fear of change.
I’m releasing it from every cell in my body.
Releasing all the ways I resist change.
Releasing this fear of change.
I have changed a lot already over the years.
I have liked a lot of the changes I have made.
I have enjoyed a lot of the changes I have made already.
It’s safe for me to make changes.

I choose success and all the changes that go with it.
I am allowing myself to make positive changes.
I am enjoying the changes that come with success.
I am joyfully allowing my success and the change that comes with it.
I am allowing myself to feel comfortable with the all changes that success brings.
I embrace change.
I am grateful for the positive changes that come with my success.
I am moving forward and embracing change in a calm and confident way!

Download the Printable Tapping EFT Points Document

EFT Points:

EFT For Motivation

Do you ever have feelings of guilt in your network marketing business? Let’s face it, we all do from time to time. Things happen. You get overwhelmed and discouraged. That’s when the procrastination starts. It can become a negative, progress blocking cycle. That’s when the guilt sets in and you start emotionally beating yourself up.

You may feel like you let your leader or mentor down. You had plans to do something with the business but time you start feeling embarrassed because you feel like the upline leader is disappointed in your progress. If this proceeds for any length of time the guilt can grow bigger to the point where you feel stuck and maybe even like giving up.

Let me stop here and tell you that your upline has been there and cares about you and understands that you will have times when your productivity will drop. This happens. Never feel embarrassed. Call your upline and have a mastermind session.

Here are a few things that can cause that niggly guilt feeling:

    Not as consistent as I wanted to be.
    Didn’t talk to anyone about the business or products.
    Didn’t have brochures or other prospecting tools with me to share with people I talk to.
    Didn’t check my email.
    Didn’t promptly respond to someone’s request for more information.
    I haven’t followed up on leads.
    It’s been way too long since I posted on my blog.
    It’s been way too long since I made a video.
    I wasn’t as good at communicating with my downline as I should have been.
    Haven’t been listening to audios or doing training that will make me stronger.

The list could go on but you get the idea.

Guilt is very destructive for your business. It is a very negative emotion that blocks theRelease Guilt abundance energy. You want to be feeling an abundant and prosperous energy when you are conducting your daily business activities, especially prospecting and following up on leads. When you feel guilty you can start feeling depressed and then beating up on yourself emotionally. This can get into a downward spiral.

We all have it from time to time. Whenever you start feeling the guilt, STOP and Forgive yourself. Remember that we all have these feelings sometimes. We all mess up. We all have times when we don’t feel like following up on leads. We all have moments when we are not as communicative as we should be. It is those times we need to pick ourselves up and readjust to get back on track.

It is for those times that I wrote the EFT tapping script below. It’s an EFT script to help you release guilt feelings and help you re-energize.

I like to use Release essential oil blend while tapping on the negative feelings, then shift to any of the more uplifting, motivating oils on the positive section. Put a couple drops on your fingertips and tap tap tap. 🙂

EFT Tapping on Releasing Guilt:

Even though I am feeling so guilty about not ____(following up on leads)_, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I have all this guilt about things I haven’t done for my business, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I am feeling guilt, I choose to forgive myself, release the guilt and move confidently forward.

    Round One: Focusing on the Feelings (Release oil blend is good during the negative tapping section)

    (eyebrow) I am feeling guilt about not doing things I know will grow my business.
    (side of eye) I know I should be ____________.
    (under eye) These guilt feelings are really getting me down.
    (nose) I can’t stop thinking about it but I can’t seem to get some of these things done.
    (chin) I will never be able to do these things perfectly.
    (collarbone) I see distributors progressing so quickly and I have been poking along slowly.
    (under arm) I am disappointed in myself.
    (head) It feels like I am dragging a heavy weight everywhere I go.

    (eyebrow) I can’t seem to stop punishing myself about things
    (side of eye) I feel just terrible.
    (under eye) My inaction is really causing me pain and guilt.
    (nose) I am so disappointed in myself for not doing ___________.
    (chin) I let myself down.
    (collarbone) Feeling so disappointed in myself.
    (under arm) I really need to release this guilt.
    (head) Guilt doesn’t help me progress toward my goals.

    (Stop here and take notice how high your level of guilt feels. What does the negative feeling feel like on a scale of 0-10? If it’s not at a 0 you can do a few more rounds on the previous sections until you get all the negative feeling released.)

    Round Two: Shift and Implant Positive

    (eyebrow) I have decided to forgive myself for messing up.
    (side of eye) I know everyone makes mistakes.
    (under eye) Even the Crown Diamond distributors make mistakes.
    (nose) I am forgiving myself for not _____________.
    (chin) It’s ok to be off my game once in a while.
    (collarbone) I just don’t need to be feeling this guilt.
    (under arm) Releasing and letting go all the guilt from every cell in my body.
    (head) Releasing the guilt and forgiving myself.

    (eyebrow) I release the guilt and move forward toward my goals.
    (side of eye) Letting it go.
    (under eye) I choose to forgive myself.
    (nose) Releasing and letting go all the guilt from every cell in my body.
    (chin) I am no longer beating up on myself.
    (collarbone) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in my success.
    (under arm) I choose to move forward.
    (head) I choose to readjust my efforts and make progress toward my goals.

    (eyebrow) I am charging forward like a Rhinoceros.
    (side of eye) I am confident and energized.
    (under eye) I am motivated and charging forward toward my success.
    (nose) I feel so much lighter remembering that even the Crown Diamond distributors make mistakes too but they still got to Crown Diamond.
    (chin) That feels so much better.
    (collarbone) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in my success.
    (under arm) I feel free and energized.
    (head) I AM confident, motivated and loving what I do.

Essential Oil Blends: Release, Acceptance, Abundance, Into The Future, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Valor


I was reading a newsletter from The Tapping Solution and I thought you would benefit from the information. The article was written by Nick Ortner on releasing the negative emotions that come from incidents that happened in our childhood or even the not so distant past.

Nick tells about an incident from his past and about how to use the Movie Technique. I often use this technique when doing visualization but this is a great way to release negative feelings about things that happened in the past.

Nick’s article got me thinking about embarrassing situations that happened in the past that could contribute to feeling uncomfortable in the spotlight of leadership. Do you remember any times when you were doing a book report or some other presentation in front of the class and you messed up? I remember one time during a junior high public speaking class we were doing impromptu exercises where we had to speak without notes on a subject. When it was my turn to speak, my mind went blank. I couldn’t remember anything about what I was supposed to talk about so I just started talking about something unrelated. It was sheer babbling to fill time.

I remember another incident where one of my friends tripped on microphone cords and fell off the stage. Several people laughed. Somehow that affected me, even though it happened to my friend. Ever since then, whenever I have to go on stage I am worrying about tripping or falling in some way. I also worry for my friends when they are going on stage.

I appreciate Nick Ortner’s post. I will reflect on my past and do this EFT technique to clear the negative emotions around those incidents.

Think about things that happened to you or things you witnessed in your past. Are there any of those things causing you uncomfortable feelings now?

Here is a clip about that technique from The Tapping Solution’s blog:

    Tapping Tip: Tapping Out Your Captain Kangaroo Experience

    Here’s an easy three step process to clearing an event from the past.
    1. Pick the event.
    Try to be as specific with it as possible and only start with one for now. You can do more later, but now, focus on ONE experience where someone said something to you, where you said something, where you learned that it wasn’t safe to stand out and be YOU.

    2. Rate the intensity of what happened.
    When you think about the event, feel what you felt then or even what you feel now about it, and rate the intensity on a 0-10 scale.

    3. Start visualizing the event as a movie.
    With your eyes closed, tap through all the points, as you see the movie play. Keep tapping through the points, moving whenever you want, and running the movie again and again, in as much detail as possible, See it, feel it, smell it, hear it, make it real and keep tapping. Notice what stands out to you most about the movie, and focus on that issue. Notice where you feel a ‘charge’ and focus on that, and just keep tapping, tapping, tapping.

    Tap until you can see the movie, without feeling an emotional charge.

    What have you done? You’ve healed that event, cleared the emotional charge, processed the stuck energy through your body, reminded your body it’s safe!

    Rinse and repeat for any events that you can think of! (I made this joke before, “rinse and repeat” referring to what the shampoo bottle says. Someone took it very literally and emailed asking if they should shower in between each tapping session! It’s actually not a bad idea, water is very cleansing, but you don’t have to do it between each tapping round. 🙂 )

Read the rest of the article over at
The Tapping Solution Blog.

Recently I wrote an article about how EFT can help you in your network marketing business. Since then I have had a few questions about how EFT works I thought I would expand on the subject a bit. Hopefully my explanation helps a bit.

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that uses a gentle tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. It works even if you don’t believe it will work.

Every cell has receptor sites. Things that happen in our life, thoughts we have, something that happens to us, something we witness happening to someone else, an injury, a trauma, etc. The hypothalamus releases chemicals that are called peptides. These peptides are short chain amino acids that we experience as an emotion; all the emotions are simply chemical combinations. They attach themselves to the cells and can cause problems if they are not processed.

Our emotional issues are connected with our cells and our body organs. Each EFT point we tap corresponds with a body organ. When we tap on the designated points on the face and body and combine it with with focusing and verbalizing the identified problem, we are speaking directly to your body, bypassing the conscious mind. This completes the processing of those chemicals out of the cell receptors, bringing our body back into balance. We are tapping acupuncture points instead of using needles.

We can actually release all kinds of negative emotional issues. Since we’re speaking directly to your body and not your mind, you don’t have to believe it will work in order for it to work. You can remain completely skeptical and still get great results!

EFT points and Corresponding Body Organ Meridians:

    beginning of the eyebrow – bladder
    side of eye – gallbladder
    under eye – stomach
    under nose – governing vessel
    chin – central vessel
    collarbone – kidney
    under arm – spleen/ pancreas
    under breast – liver
    thumb – lung
    index finger – large intestine
    middle finger – circulation
    baby finger – heart
    Karate point – small intestine

EFT is powerful in releasing blocks and fears that hold us back in our business but also in enhancing positive changes we intend to attract. Once you have released negative emotions, you can use EFT with positive affirmations to replace the negative with positive feelings that move you closer to where you would like to go.

Whether you realize it or not, Law of Attraction is always working. The words you use and the thoughts you are thinking effect the level of success and abundance you will have in your business. Affirmations can be helpful but EFT makes them work better. With EFT, you are tapping on the various body organ points and driving the intent into your cells.

The potential is pretty powerful wouldn’t you say?