I learned “WHAT IF” tapping from Carol Look, one of my favorite EFT mentors.  Adding the question, WHAT IF?  to your tapping allows you to imagine the possibilities, looking beyond what you see in your life right now. It is our limiting beliefs that can get in the way of the success we would like to see. It is important to believe you can achieve your goals.
What If Royal Crown Diamond
Most people aren’t thinking of ranking to Diamond or Royal Crown Diamond when they start out. It’s always the income. It’s a way to take control of your financial situation, whether to add a little extra income or to grow it into a business that could become fulltime income.

If you have the belief that earning substantial full time income in your network marketing business, will happen for other people but not for you, this limiting belief can get in the way and become a block to your success in the business.

If you have the belief that people can’t afford to buy products or the belief that you can’t build a business during a bad economy, these are limiting beliefs that will block your success.

Here is an important fact to remember: Network Marketing and Direct Sales businesses thrive during economic down times. People are often looking for ways to supplement their income, PLUS, many of the products offered by these companies are things people use on a daily basis. Why not earn a little income from things people need to use every day. Examples are cleaners, laundry soap, personal care products, health and stress relief and more.

Let’s clear those limiting beliefs right now.

Use the What If tapping to look beyond your limiting belief to visualize the possibilities and What if YOU can TOO? When you feel any limiting beliefs coming up, focus on those and keep tapping through the points and releasing the limiting beliefs.

For this tapping, I like to use essential oil blends that help you relax and think about the future. A few Young Living Oil Blend possibilities are: Abundance, Envision, Believe, Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation, Into The Future, Valor.

There are lots of possibilities for oils to use. Go with whatever feels right to you. The added essential oil is not necessary but the oil helps infuse extra energy into your tapping session.

If you are using essential oil in your tapping session, just add a couple drops to your fingertips before you begin tapping and start tapping through the points:

Starting on the Karate Chop point:

Even though I don’t believe I can build a strong income with this business, especially in this bad economy, WHAT IF I have been wrong about this?
Even though building a substantial income with network marketing works for other people but not me, WHAT IF I could actually build a full time income.
Even though I have had all these limiting beliefs about my ability to build a strong, abundant, income producing network marketing business, WHAT IF it IS possible for me?

Now tap through the rest of the points: (It doesn’t really matter which points, just tap through.)

What If I really could build this business into a substantial income?
What if I have learned someone else’s wrong limiting belief about success being for other people but not me?
What if the limiting beliefs I have learned are NOT TRUE?
What if I am in control of all of these limiting beliefs?
What if I am a really powerful business builder?
What if I really am a Diamond in the making?
What if, all this time my limiting beliefs have been blocking my efforts and making me spin my wheels. I have been blocking I have to do is believe it’s possible?
What if limiting beliefs are slowing me down like a stuck wheel on a shopping cart?
What if I can release these limiting beliefs and blocks to my building an abundantly income producing network marketing business?
What if I can actually build a business that would, not only help me but also help many others build a strong income working from home.
What if I am just as deserving and capable as anyone else who has built a successful business working from home?
What if I do have what it takes to build this business as big as I want it, all the way to the top rank?
What if I really CAN do this?
What if I DO deserve an abundantly successful income producing Diamond sized business just as much as they do?
What if I am releasing these blocks and limiting beliefs right now?
What if I am leading a team of happy abundantly income producers right now?
What if we are releasing our limiting beliefs and helping each other build this business?
What if I really could believe it?
Why NOT?
I’m not so different as they are!
I’m sure some of them had limiting beliefs too.
They just kept moving forward toward the goal!
One day at a time.
One Income Producing DAY at a time!
I can do that too!!!
I KNOW I can!
I have oils and EFT to help me.
I’m tapping away any limiting beliefs!
I am releasing the emotional attachment to the belief that I can’t build this business into a substantial income!
I really CAN do this!
I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders and we are building a strong, abundant, income producing network marketing business TOGETHER!

Take a deep breath!

I recommend doing this tapping session daily. Things will come up in daily life. There will be things that feel frustrating. Unexpected bills, a pandemic or who knows what. When that happens, keep moving forward with tapping and clearing limiting beliefs. I will be doing it with you! Together we can do this!! 😉

Click HERE to buy Young Living Oil Blends

We often think it is fear of failure that is holding us back but, for most people, it is actually fear of success that gets in the way of success. You may be saying, “No way. I really want success.” The problem is, your subconscious may be saying the opposite. There is often one or more subconscious fears that are blocking the way.

fear-of-successSuccess brings change and that can be scary. We all feel more comfortable with what we are familiar with. It’s called a Comfort Zone. To be successful in anything, we need to step out of our comfort zone. This is especially true as we are working toward raising our rank to Diamond Level in Network Marketing. Lots of changes come as you rise through the ranks in your company. You want to get to Diamond but there is a fear of the unknown. What will be expected of you as the team gets larger and larger.

Fear of the unknown can cause you to subconsciously sabotage your success. Lots of fears come under the category of unknown. How will friends and family feel about your success? Will they be threatened by it? Will You lose friends?
Will you have to do things you don’t like? Example: speak in front of a large group.

Success in network marketing will mean an increase of income. That can trigger a host of subconscious fears. You may have an income set point that you have running in your subconscious. There can be a fear of having too much income that keeps you sabotaging your success. You may be saying, “No, I really want more income.” But these fears are running in your subconscious. They are conflicting with what you really want.

One sign that this is happening is that you find yourself procrastinating. Procrastination is a way we subconsciously sabotage our success.

We all have areas of our life where feel subconscious fears that show up as resistance. The tapping script below might help you shift some of those fears. In upcoming blog posts I will touch on some common fears that people have in their subconscious programming and some EFT scripts you can use to shift to a more confident state of mind.

Add a drop or two of your favorite Young Living Essential Oil Blend to your fingertips as you tap through the EFT script below. Here are a few ideas: Abundance, Believe, Dream Catcher, Highest Potential, Into The Future, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Valor

Fear of the Unknown:

Tapping on the Karate Chop point:

    Even though I am afraid to move forward, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
    Even though I feel uncomfortable about changing, I accept my feelings and who I am.
    Even though I feel conflicted about success because I don’t know what changes will come, I choose to accept who I am today.

Tapping through the points:

    I am conflicted about becoming successful.
    It’s all so scary.
    So much change if I am successful with my network marketing business.
    I don’t know what that will feel like.
    It’s way out of my comfort zone.
    I know what to expect when I stay in my comfort zone.
    Change really scares me.
    It feels more comfortable to keep things as they are.
    I am afraid of the unknown.
    What will happen if I climb the ranks to Diamond?
    What will be expected of me?
    I am so used to my comfort zone.
    It feels save here in my comfort zone.
    I want success so much but I feel the resistance to the unknown changes that come with it.
    This fear of the unknown is causing me to sabotage success.

    But I really do want to be free of the constant struggle of earning a living.
    Have time and really live my life instead of struggle to make ends meet.
    I want to be home with my kids. (Or travel, or spend more time doing ________.)
    I want to have fun working from home and helping others build a freedom business with me.
    That’s really exciting.
    Nothing to be afraid of.
    I can release the fear of the unknown.
    I AM releasing the fear of the unknown.
    I AM releasing the fear of success.
    I am releasing my fear of change.
    Releasing all the ways I resist change.
    I’m releasing it from every cell in my body.

    I have changed a lot already over the years.
    I have enjoyed a lot of the changes I have made already.
    I am focusing on the fun I will be having.
    I am focusing on the new friends I will be making.
    I am focusing on all the people I will be able to help.
    I am enjoying my success.
    I am feeling safe and confident in my successful business.
    I am eagerly anticipating all the unknown pleasures that success will bring my way.

    I am enjoying success and all the changes that go with it.
    I am allowing myself to make positive changes.
    I am enjoying the changes that come with success.
    I am joyfully allowing my success and the change that comes with it.
    I am allowing myself to feel comfortable with the all changes that success brings.
    I am excited about the unknown changes that are coming with my success.
    I am grateful for the positive changes that come with my success.
    I am moving forward and embracing change in a calm and confident way!
    What fun success is bringing me.

Tap through this script as many times as needed. This is one you could tap every morning as you start your day.

You may want to read the article: 5 Tips to Make Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Easier