Do you ever have feelings of guilt in your network marketing business? Let’s face it, we all do from time to time. Things happen. You get overwhelmed and discouraged. That’s when the procrastination starts. It can become a negative, progress blocking cycle. That’s when the guilt sets in and you start emotionally beating yourself up.
You may feel like you let your leader or mentor down. You had plans to do something with the business but time you start feeling embarrassed because you feel like the upline leader is disappointed in your progress. If this proceeds for any length of time the guilt can grow bigger to the point where you feel stuck and maybe even like giving up.
Let me stop here and tell you that your upline has been there and cares about you and understands that you will have times when your productivity will drop. This happens. Never feel embarrassed. Call your upline and have a mastermind session.
Here are a few things that can cause that niggly guilt feeling:
Not as consistent as I wanted to be.
Didn’t talk to anyone about the business or products.
Didn’t have brochures or other prospecting tools with me to share with people I talk to.
Didn’t check my email.
Didn’t promptly respond to someone’s request for more information.
I haven’t followed up on leads.
It’s been way too long since I posted on my blog.
It’s been way too long since I made a video.
I wasn’t as good at communicating with my downline as I should have been.
Haven’t been listening to audios or doing training that will make me stronger.
The list could go on but you get the idea.
Guilt is very destructive for your business. It is a very negative emotion that blocks the
abundance energy. You want to be feeling an abundant and prosperous energy when you are conducting your daily business activities, especially prospecting and following up on leads. When you feel guilty you can start feeling depressed and then beating up on yourself emotionally. This can get into a downward spiral.
We all have it from time to time. Whenever you start feeling the guilt, STOP and Forgive yourself. Remember that we all have these feelings sometimes. We all mess up. We all have times when we don’t feel like following up on leads. We all have moments when we are not as communicative as we should be. It is those times we need to pick ourselves up and readjust to get back on track.
It is for those times that I wrote the EFT tapping script below. It’s an EFT script to help you release guilt feelings and help you re-energize.
I like to use Release essential oil blend while tapping on the negative feelings, then shift to any of the more uplifting, motivating oils on the positive section. Put a couple drops on your fingertips and tap tap tap. 🙂
EFT Tapping on Releasing Guilt:
Even though I am feeling so guilty about not ____(following up on leads)_, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I have all this guilt about things I haven’t done for my business, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I am feeling guilt, I choose to forgive myself, release the guilt and move confidently forward.
Round One: Focusing on the Feelings (Release oil blend is good during the negative tapping section)
(eyebrow) I am feeling guilt about not doing things I know will grow my business.
(side of eye) I know I should be ____________.
(under eye) These guilt feelings are really getting me down.
(nose) I can’t stop thinking about it but I can’t seem to get some of these things done.
(chin) I will never be able to do these things perfectly.
(collarbone) I see distributors progressing so quickly and I have been poking along slowly.
(under arm) I am disappointed in myself.
(head) It feels like I am dragging a heavy weight everywhere I go.
(eyebrow) I can’t seem to stop punishing myself about things
(side of eye) I feel just terrible.
(under eye) My inaction is really causing me pain and guilt.
(nose) I am so disappointed in myself for not doing ___________.
(chin) I let myself down.
(collarbone) Feeling so disappointed in myself.
(under arm) I really need to release this guilt.
(head) Guilt doesn’t help me progress toward my goals.
(Stop here and take notice how high your level of guilt feels. What does the negative feeling feel like on a scale of 0-10? If it’s not at a 0 you can do a few more rounds on the previous sections until you get all the negative feeling released.)
Round Two: Shift and Implant Positive
(eyebrow) I have decided to forgive myself for messing up.
(side of eye) I know everyone makes mistakes.
(under eye) Even the Crown Diamond distributors make mistakes.
(nose) I am forgiving myself for not _____________.
(chin) It’s ok to be off my game once in a while.
(collarbone) I just don’t need to be feeling this guilt.
(under arm) Releasing and letting go all the guilt from every cell in my body.
(head) Releasing the guilt and forgiving myself.
(eyebrow) I release the guilt and move forward toward my goals.
(side of eye) Letting it go.
(under eye) I choose to forgive myself.
(nose) Releasing and letting go all the guilt from every cell in my body.
(chin) I am no longer beating up on myself.
(collarbone) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in my success.
(under arm) I choose to move forward.
(head) I choose to readjust my efforts and make progress toward my goals.
(eyebrow) I am charging forward like a Rhinoceros.
(side of eye) I am confident and energized.
(under eye) I am motivated and charging forward toward my success.
(nose) I feel so much lighter remembering that even the Crown Diamond distributors make mistakes too but they still got to Crown Diamond.
(chin) That feels so much better.
(collarbone) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in my success.
(under arm) I feel free and energized.
(head) I AM confident, motivated and loving what I do.
Essential Oil Blends: Release, Acceptance, Abundance, Into The Future, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Valor