Do you ever feel like there are times when you can’t seem to stay motivated to do what it takes to grow your business and reach your goals? We all have days like that but sometimes we can get stuck in a pattern of spinning our wheels and making no progress. This can happen even when you have learned all kinds of good ideas and information that, when applied, will help grow your business.

Whenever you find yourself stuck and spinning your wheels, it’s time to get refocused on your WHY. Knowing WHY you want to build this business is a powerful motivator. This is crucial to your success. If you don’t know why you want success in your network marketing business, you WILL NEVER have any success that amounts to anything.

Have you thought about your WHY? It needs to be strong and emotional.

If you have a goal to earn $5,000 or $10,000 a month, that is not a strong WHY. Stop and think about why you want that income. There needs to be an emotional reason that drives you to press on through the difficult times.

For me, I wanted FREEDOM. Freedom from working crappy jobs that I hated that did not even help us make ends meet. I wanted freedom from bill collectors calling. I wanted freedom from the pain of seeing things that needed repair around the house and not having money to take care of it. I wanted to be able to LOVE my life. I also wanted to retire my husband from the high stress job he hated. There has to be more than the drudgery of working crappy jobs, coming home so tired you go to sleep and start over again day after day.

Your WHY is needs to be strong enough to pull you through the rough spots and make you push yourself to do things when you don’t feel like doing them. Think about it every morning and throughout the day.

Here is an EFT that may be helpful in focusing on your WHY:

Remembering My WHY

3377Tap through all the points. It doesn’t really matter what points you tap. For this one, I will use Young Living’s Magnify Your Purpose oil. Put a couple drops of oil on your fingertips before you begin tapping through the points.
As you tap, focus on your WHY. Picture it in your mind, feel the emotion.

Round One: Focusing on the Feelings
(eyebrow) I am feeling really discouraged.
(side of eye) I have a lot to do but I just don’t feel like doing any of it.
(under eye) When I think about all I have to do I feel stressed out because I just don’t want to.
(nose) I know I must be consistently working every day if I want my business to be successful …
(chin) but I feel like taking a nap.
(collarbone) I feel changes coming and I don’t feel like dealing with it.
(under arm) I feel like taking a break from this right now.
(head) I think I need a swift kick in the pants.

(eyebrow) I feel so unmotivated.
(side of eye) I know what I want to accomplish in my business.
(under eye) I really want to put this off until I feel better.
(nose) If I put this off, I am putting off my dreams.
(chin) If I put this off, I am putting off the FREEDOM I intend to build with my business!
(collarbone) I realize my subconscious is trying to sabotage my progress .
(under arm) I know my WHY!
(head) I am remembering WHY I want my business to be successful.

Round Two: Implant Positive
(eyebrow) I can shift this mood anytime and I choose to shift it now.
(side of eye) I am remembering WHY I want my business to grow.
(under eye) I am giving myself a kick in the pants.
(nose) Release and let go of the discouragement.
(chin) I know my WHY and I am thinking about it daily.
(collarbone) It is ok to relax once in a while but I am keeping motivated to get things done.
(under arm) I am remembering what FREEDOM looks like for me.
(head) I am choosing to be joyful and motivated.

(eyebrow) I can feel my intense WHY.
(side of eye) I see it in my mind and I will get to where I want to go.
(under eye) I know some days I get more done than other days and that’s OK.
(nose) I am choosing to feel happy and motivated.
(chin) I DO love and accept myself and I love my style of doing things.
(collarbone) I am trusting I will build this business and achieve my dreams.
(under arm) I am consistently doing my Daily Method Of Operation.
(head) I am remembering my WHY and accomplishing my goals in a calm and confident way!

There are several Young Living Essential Oils that are awesome to enhance EFT. Here are a few possible choices: Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Abundance, Awaken, Believe, Dream Catcher, Highest Potential, Harmony, Joy, Live With Passion, Present Time, Transformation, Valor Take your pick 😉

Click HERE for Information about Essential oils that enhance EFT.

If you want to leave off the focus on negative and go straight to positive tapping, try the tapping below.

Click image to make it larger.

It is possible to build a successful network marketing business if you have ADD. You will have an extra challenge but it really can be done. I have a very successful leader in my downline who is an example. She is a Silver in Young Living and presently working towards Gold.

If you are are dealing with the challenge of ADD, you can do it too. It will take a little effort but if you direct that effort you can make things happen.

Generally there are things that you do on a daily basis that you may not want to do but they need to get done so you do them. You wash dishes, sweep the floors, clean the bathroom. Everyone has that. It’s part of life. If you have kids, you have to get them up, feed them and get them off to school.

Most people who have ADD are usually able to go to a job every day. On a JOB, you have a daily method of operation. If you want to keep your job and thus, earn a living, you must show up for work, not only that, you must arrive on time.

It is really important that you get a business mindset. Not realizing the importance of having a business mindset is one of the biggest reasons for failure in network marketing.

The trick is to find a way to get somewhat organized. Here are a few tips that may be helpful:

    1. Set Your Intent – This should be done every morning. Think about your WHY. You should know exactly why you are building your business. Reflect on this and then set your intent for the day. ASK: What do I want to accomplish today that will bring me closer to my goals?

    2. Keep A To Do List – Always have a To Do list and consult it often. to-do-listPrioritize. What are the most important things you need to get done today? Do those first.

    3. Have a Daily 10 Minute Routine – This is where you focus on things that MUST get done every day. Check and respond to email, Login to your Virtual Office, Welcome new members, Read email newsletters from upline. These are also things you do on days when you know you won’t be spending a lot of time on business.

    4. Set Time Limits – This is important. Set aside a set time to do certain tasks without interruption. Turn off phone, email and any other distractions and focus on the task.
    For example: If you are a blogger, it is a good habit to write for at least 20 – 30 minutes a day. This gets you in the habit of writing and produces content that can be either published immediately or saved as drafts for future posts.

Use the EFT tapping clip below to help you focus on a success mindset and remember your WHY.

EFT Tapping Clip: I WILL Succeed In Network Marketing:

stuckThere are times when we feel stuck. It’s a natural thing that we all seem to go through from time to time. It can happen in all kinds of areas where we want to make progress. For example, you want your network marketing business to grow so you know you should be making follow up phone calls, doing marketing and promotion, writing newsletters and blog posts.

Sometimes when building your business you can find yourself feeling stuck wondering which way to go. You have to figure out which ways to market and promote your business. Once you figure out those things, you need to use trial and error to test out what works for you. You may even find that you need to totally change directions. The thing is, you can’t change directions until you get moving. Think of driving a car. The car has to be moving before you can turn in any direction, whether a slight turn or a full turn.

The key to getting unstuck is to just start moving forward. Motivation never starts automatically. It kicks in once you get moving. Even if on some days the steps are small. Just take steps.

I love that quote by Joe Schroeder, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it GOING!” The way to get anywhere is to start from where you are right now, learn and make adjustments as you go. If you don’t start moving towards your goals, you will stay eternally stuck. Even the smallest steps stir more steps forward.

An example used by writers is to just start writing. Don’t worry about what you are writing. Don’t over analyze. Just start pouring out words on a subject. Once you get the thoughts flowing, more ideas come to you.

The same applies to other things. Picking up the phone and calling someone when you are not in the mood can seem like an impossible task. Once you make that first phone call, the mood lifts and the next call gets easier. Exercise is another example. It can be hard to get off the couch and get an exercise session started but once you do, it is easy to keep going. I often trick myself by saying, “I’ll just do 5 minutes worth.” I always stay on for more.

EFT can be a really wonderful tool to help get motivated and get unstuck.

Here’s an EFT Script to help you get motivated:

Apply 1 – 3 drops of Motivation oil on your fingertips, then tap on the Karate Chop Point with the oiled up fingertips. As you are tapping the EFT Points, you will have enough remaining oil to carry to all the other points.
Motivation Essential Oil
While tapping the Karate Chop Point, Repeat 3 Times:

Even though I am feeling stuck and unmotivated,I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t know what to do , I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I’m stuck and don’t feel like doing anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

You can add something specific you need to do if you want.

Focusing on the Feelings

I am feeling stuck and unmotivated.
I don’t know what to do.
I just can’t seem to get started…
I am resisting getting started.
I don’t know what to do so I put it off till later.
I feel stuck so I will wait till later.
I don’t feel motivated.
I’m tired of thinking about this.

I don’t want to get it going.
Yes I do want to get it going.
I’m feeling stuck and unmotivated.
What if I just start moving.
I know just making a few steps forward will start some momentum.
I am releasing the unmotivation.
I’m starting with just 2 steps.
I know I won’t stop at just 2 steps.

Switch to Positive

I choose to feel motivated.
I choose to take steps forward and get momentum moving forward.
I step into energy and motivation.
I choose to move forward one step at a time.
I feel good moving forward.
I choose to move forward in a way that feels even more motivating.
I enjoy taking action.
I choose to feel energized and motivated.

Take a deep breath.

Try EFT with Motivation oil when you need a little help getting motivated.

EFT Points:

EFT for Network Marketers

When the electric and phone was off for several days I found myself blessed with a lot of time time to do some reading and writing. It was sort of a blessing in disguise.

I just can’t bring myself to waste that much time. I was going to say killing time but that doesn’t sound at all good. Maybe we should change that to Skilling Time. 😉

Anyway, I found myself reading some of my old books. Here is a bit of wisdom I found in Secrets of MLM Superstars:

How Tough is MLM?

    1. It’s as tough as “getting off your butt.”

    2. It’s as tough as doing the things you don’t want to do long enough until you don’t have to do them anymore.

    3. It’s a tough as deciding what your dream is and doing whatever it takes to get it.

    4. It’s as tough as talking to enough people until you build a team of winners, then keep going!

    5. It’s as tough as deciding you want to be more than average and ordinary.

    6. It’s as tough as just doing it instead of “just talking about it.”

    7. It’s as tough as following your leaders and the systems they worked hard to put together for YOU.

    8. It’s as tough as helping others achieve their dreams.

I thought that was good list. It reminds me of Jim Rohn saying “This stuff isn’t hard, so why is it more people don’t have success? It’s a mystery.”

Ever have times when you know what you should be doing but you just don’t feel like it? You know what I mean. You are building your network marketing business and you really want it to be successful but after a while of working, you just find yourself spinning your wheels and not getting things done. Lately I have been finding myself in that situation.

It’s not a new feeling for me. I have been building my business with my primary network marketing company for 14 years. Every now and again I have a momentary downtime. If this has happened to you, know that it is normal to experience this but you can’t let it go on very long.

We all experience times like that. Not only for the new distributor but experienced ones as well. It can be really tough when you are trying to make make a transition or going through a growth stage. Sometimes it can be overwhelming when you are learning something new and trying to change yourself for the better. This is something that even we experienced network marketers go through. As a professional network marketer, we are always taking training and always growing. Sometimes change can be scary. Sometimes? Let’s face it! Change IS scary!

New distributors often experience a downtime about a month after they get started with their business. The first month is full of excitement and hope. Your mind is hopping with all the possibilities. Then after a while the newness wears off and the realization sets in – I’m going to have to work at this and keep myself making progress. New distributors can start feeling stressed and overwhelmed with the changes and the things they need to do to build a successful business and they just throw their hands up in frustration and quit.

Please DON’T DO THAT! It is well worth going through the uncomfortable feelings to get to the other side.

As I said before change is scary. There will always be change. You try a certain type of marketing technique for a while and see that it either creates lots of leads and new distributors or nothing. Either way, you have to adjust to deal with the situation. If you have lots of leads and new distributors, you need to help them get going. If the marketing technique brought nothing, you need to adjust.

Some of the changes we experience have to do with emotional stuff. We may have some fear of allowing too much income or too large a group. What kind of leader will I be to a really large group? These can be really scary issues that you have to look square in the eye and stare down your fears. I speak from experience. In the beginning I was terrified of being a leader. That fear still rears its ugly head occasionally. I faced it before and I will do it again and YOU CAN TOO!

Every time I find myself in that stuck place where my wheels are spinning it has been because I am in the process of making a major shift of growth. That’s a good thing but I need a swift kick in the pants.

One thing I recommend when you get to that place is to really think about your WHY. Why do you want to build this business. Don’t just say you want money. Why do you want more money.

For me, it was freedom. Freedom from having to work crappy low paying jobs just to keep the lights on and a roof over our heads. Not even doing a very good job at that. I wanted free of that. How can you have enjoyment of your life when you are working you tushie off and not getting anywhere. My husband was on salary so they made sure he worked an obscene schedule so they got every ounce out of him they could. He was so exhausted there was no energy left for anything fun. Just rest up for the next 14 hour day.

I was able to get freedom, first for myself, then a few years later my husband joined me. Today my WHY has more to do with helping more people experience the freedom I have been able to have.

I have to admit, I still need an occasional kick in the pants. Don’t we all from time to time? 😉

If you are like me, and you’re feeling the need for a kick, why not try the EFT Tapping Clip below.

P.S. Please leave a comment and click the share button if you feel these tapping sessions will help people you know.