I was reading a newsletter from The Tapping Solution and I thought you would benefit from the information. The article was written by Nick Ortner on releasing the negative emotions that come from incidents that happened in our childhood or even the not so distant past.

Nick tells about an incident from his past and about how to use the Movie Technique. I often use this technique when doing visualization but this is a great way to release negative feelings about things that happened in the past.

Nick’s article got me thinking about embarrassing situations that happened in the past that could contribute to feeling uncomfortable in the spotlight of leadership. Do you remember any times when you were doing a book report or some other presentation in front of the class and you messed up? I remember one time during a junior high public speaking class we were doing impromptu exercises where we had to speak without notes on a subject. When it was my turn to speak, my mind went blank. I couldn’t remember anything about what I was supposed to talk about so I just started talking about something unrelated. It was sheer babbling to fill time.

I remember another incident where one of my friends tripped on microphone cords and fell off the stage. Several people laughed. Somehow that affected me, even though it happened to my friend. Ever since then, whenever I have to go on stage I am worrying about tripping or falling in some way. I also worry for my friends when they are going on stage.

I appreciate Nick Ortner’s post. I will reflect on my past and do this EFT technique to clear the negative emotions around those incidents.

Think about things that happened to you or things you witnessed in your past. Are there any of those things causing you uncomfortable feelings now?

Here is a clip about that technique from The Tapping Solution’s blog:

    Tapping Tip: Tapping Out Your Captain Kangaroo Experience

    Here’s an easy three step process to clearing an event from the past.
    1. Pick the event.
    Try to be as specific with it as possible and only start with one for now. You can do more later, but now, focus on ONE experience where someone said something to you, where you said something, where you learned that it wasn’t safe to stand out and be YOU.

    2. Rate the intensity of what happened.
    When you think about the event, feel what you felt then or even what you feel now about it, and rate the intensity on a 0-10 scale.

    3. Start visualizing the event as a movie.
    With your eyes closed, tap through all the points, as you see the movie play. Keep tapping through the points, moving whenever you want, and running the movie again and again, in as much detail as possible, See it, feel it, smell it, hear it, make it real and keep tapping. Notice what stands out to you most about the movie, and focus on that issue. Notice where you feel a ‘charge’ and focus on that, and just keep tapping, tapping, tapping.

    Tap until you can see the movie, without feeling an emotional charge.

    What have you done? You’ve healed that event, cleared the emotional charge, processed the stuck energy through your body, reminded your body it’s safe!

    Rinse and repeat for any events that you can think of! (I made this joke before, “rinse and repeat” referring to what the shampoo bottle says. Someone took it very literally and emailed asking if they should shower in between each tapping session! It’s actually not a bad idea, water is very cleansing, but you don’t have to do it between each tapping round. 🙂 )

Read the rest of the article over at
The Tapping Solution Blog.