Do you remember when you were a kid and you wanted something like a game, a toy or some current clothing style of the day? When you were a kid, you wanted things.

Kids just want everything . . .

“Mom, I want this toy!” “Mom, I want these shoes” “Mom, I want …”

Parents have a lot on their shoulders. They have all the household expenses, earning a living and taking care of their family and all that is involved with that. If there are are multiple children this can be very challenging. Kids are always needing things. Kids want things all the time. Every new toy that comes out. It’s not possible to get everything you want. This is especially true if your family is experiencing money problems. You may have heard them say, “No, we can’t afford that.” “We don‘t have enough money for that.”
“We don’t have time for that.” Or, when you were in the store and asking and pleading for something. You would hear, “No! Stop it! You can’t have that!”

These messages you heard as a child were usually said in a sharp frustrated tone of voice which made an emotional imprint in the subconscious mind.

When our parents reacted this way to our desires, we start to develop a belief that we should be ashamed of ourselves for even having desires and needs. This could actually set up in your subconscious as a vow that it is not OK to have needs. We carry these childhood messages into our adult lives. They can end up as blocks and resistance that slow you down when you are building your network marketing business.

There is good news. Using EFT you can shift things. You can clear out some of the negative programming from the past and shift to a better place. Even if things come up that remind you again of another layer of the issue, just return to tapping. We all have many layers, just like an onion. That’s what makes us all so interesting. 😉

How about a little tapping on this!

You can do EFT without oils but if you are a Young Living Essential Oil user, just add a couple drops of oil to your fingertips and start tapping through the points. For this tapping I would start with Release, then switch to Abundance essential oil blend.

Jump right in tapping through any of the points.
There was always anxiety and worry about money.
There was never enough.
Never-ending cycles of scarcity, Of struggle to make ends meet
I wanted things the other kids had.
I was told, “No! We can’t afford that.”
“No! We don’t have enough money for that.”
“No! We can’t afford that.”
“No! You don’t need that.”
“Stop it! You can’t have that!”
That’s what my parents would say.

Disappointment over and over.
I am feeling it.

I’m afraid to even think about what I need.
Because way back then
It wasn’t okay for me to have needs.
It wasn’t okay for me to have desires.
I had to do what they wanted me to do.
It wasn’t okay for me to ask for what I want.
All of this got programmed into my subconscious mind.
Programmed into my nervous system.
My family’s money problems and scarcity.
I made a vow that my needs are never met.
I made a vow that there will always be struggle around money and never enough to meet my needs.
I made a vow not to even ask for what I need.

These vows have been running in the background and affecting everything I do.
I have needs today.
I need to pay my bills.
I need to pay off my debt.
I need to hire help to make repairs on things.
But these old vows from the past have been causing me to sabotage my efforts to build my business.
It contributes to fear about money, depression about money, hopelessness and disappointment connected to money.
It causes me to play small and keep things the way they are.
I don’t want to keep things the way they are.
I want to build my business to help me better take care of my needs.
And some of my needs are more than needs.
I need some fun and travel in my life too.
Joy and happiness is also a need. So is FREEDOM!

It is time to …
Let go of all the lies and illusions I have been told.
Releasing all the limiting beliefs from my childhood.
Letting go of all the negative programming from my childhood.
Releasing all of the feelings of hopelessness that my needs were not being met.
Releasing all the anger at not getting what I want.
I didn’t have control back then but I do now.

I have control now.
I am in charge of my life.
I am in charge of how I show up in my life.
I get to decide how I want my life to look.
I can create whatever life I want to create.
I am a powerful resourceful creator.

I am releasing the vow that my needs are never met.
I am releasing the vow that there will always be struggle around money and never enough to meet my needs.
I am releasing the vow not to even ask for what I need.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to the vow that my needs are never met.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to the vow that there will always be struggle around money and never enough to meet my needs.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to the vow not to even ask for what I need.
Releasing it!
Letting it go!
Tapping it out of every cell in my body.
I am open to a whole new way with money.
So I can create my new reality.
So I can build a successful network marketing business.
I am open to earning much more, doing what I love.
I am creating my life, creating my money!
It’s my choice now. I am in control.
I free myself from these old money beliefs.
And I am now free to choose!
I am attracting abundance.
I am attracting everything I need.
I am deserving of love.
I am good enough.
I am getting my needs met in healthy ways.
I am worth it.
My needs are important.
I am attracting people and events that help fill my needs.
I am safe to move forward with my life.

Take a deep breath and let it all go!

Tap as often as you need whenever you feel any of the old programming from childhood coming up.
You might need to tap through this a few times, especially if money issues were a big issue in your family. Change up the words if you need to. Tap about whatever fear or negative feeling you have.

Essential oils aren’t necessary for tapping but they can really enhance things. ORDER essential oils TODAY!
