WHOA!! Put on the brakes. There is a big MINDSET problem that plagues a lot of network marketers. It is an Employee Mindset and it MUST be addressed.

Employee MindsetIf you are serious about building a successful network marketing business, you must get out of the Employee Mindset and start functioning like a business owner.

As a independent distributor you are CEO of your own company. It’s a serious business.

If you want to earn a serious income, it is important that you stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an ENTREPRENEUR! Start every day with that in mind until it becomes second nature. Each day ask yourself, “What would the entrepreneur do today to grow his business?

You MUST break free of Employee Mindset if you want to build a serious income. You also need to be able to recognize Employee Mindset so you can change any patterns that you may have developed that lean in that direction.

Here are a few examples . . .

Employee Mindset trades time for dollars and most do the minimum required. Some even delight at wasting time while the boss isn’t looking. “Hey, they pay by the hour and nobody is watching, I’ll sneak in a little Bejeweled or talk with co-workers about favorite TV shows.”

The Entrepreneur Mindset knows that time is a most important asset and is not to be squandered. He knows that the amount of income he earns depends on the daily actions he performs. He never just shows up and does a minimal amount of work.

The Employee Mindset waits for someone to tell them what to do. They act on what the boss tells them what to do and they expect to get paid whether the project succeeds or fails.

Entrepreneur has to do the thinking and knows that success or failure depends on what they DO. To make sure they are successful and thus GET PAID, they do the research, learn the skills they need, do the advertising. They find out what needs to be done and then they take ACTION.

When they see something isn’t working, they find out why and then make adjustments until it IS working.

Employee Mindset usually has their money spent before it is in their hands.
Entrepreneur knows that the time and money they spend is an investment in their future. They are willing to put in the time, knowing that it will be GROWING into something substantial.

Employee Mindset gets scared when the economy is down and retreats to the illusion of job security.

Entrepreneur sees the opportunity is increasing since more people need what we have to offer.

And . . .

Since the ones with Employee Mindset fled the scene, there will be less competition.

Each day, as you are doing the days tasks, keep the Entrepreneur Mindset before you.

Now here is a little trick: As you are keeping in the Entrepreneur Mindset, remember ONE thing about being an employee. Have set times where you SHOW UP to do focused work.

Sometimes working from home can be a curse if you don’t have the discipline to get things done. For that, I recommend a daily plan of action or a “To Do List” and pretend you are an employee. The difference here is that you work for yourself! 😉

On a side note: As you probably know I love to talk about self-esteem. Well, getting this Entrepreneur Mindset is great for your self-esteem. As you go through this process and build your business, your self-esteem grows. That in turn helps you get better at growing your business.