Procrastination is a problem for many network marketers. Do you find yourself procrastinating when you know you have things that you would like to be doing that will grow your business faster? We all do it from time to time but if it becomes a regular pattern, it is very difficult to make real progress in anything, whether it is our Young Living business, our fitness goals or any other goal we are working toward.

snoozing-on-a-desk Procrastination is caused by our subconscious fears. Those fears cause us to sabotage our success.

What are you feeling? What fear is causing a need to sabotage? We all have different personalities and backgrounds that caused our fears. For me, my biggest fear was around leadership and being visible. I know some of that came from being abducted at age 9. I was able to escape before anything really serious happened but it made a powerful impact on me that has been in my subconscious ever since that day. It made me feel unsafe to be noticed and visible. Well, network marketing is a business that requires that you get out there and connect with people. To be successful, you must be a good leader. A leader must be VISIBLE! EFT has been a powerful tool in clearing that issue for me.

Sometimes you don’t really know for sure why you are procrastinating and sabotaging your progress. I have included the EFT tapping script below for that. You can start with clearing general sabotage by procrastination, then tap on specific reasons once you start remembering things that could apply to your situation. Often things will come to mind as you are tapping. These are important. Add them to your tapping list.

Don’t worry about what words to say and what points to tap. Just tap through the points saying whatever comes to mind. You can use the script below as an example and change it up as you choose.

Even though I have been procrastinating, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel like doing what I know will make me successful, I choose to love and accept myself.
Even though I am procrastinating and I know that’s a form of sabotage, I love and forgive myself.

I keep procrastinating.
I don’t know why I am procrastinating.
I just can’t seem to get started.
I know I am sabotaging my success.
I don’t know why I want to put it off till later.
I know procrastination is based in fear.
What am I afraid of?
Am I afraid of success?

Is it that I don’t feel worthy of success so I sabotage myself?
Why am I sabotaging my success?
I just can’t seem to get things done.
I am resisting success but I want success.
I don’t know why I keep sabotaging myself.
I want success but I keep sabotaging.
I am afraid of failure so I keep sabotaging my efforts.
It’s easier to stay where I am than try and fail.

I am releasing the fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone.
I am releasing the habit of putting things off.
I’m releasing the helpless and stuck feeling.
Releasing the habit of procrastinating.
Letting go of the fear.
I am releasing the habit of procrastination.
Letting go of the fear of what will happen.
Release and let go of the fear of taking action.

I choose to feel safe and confident in my action.
I choose to get moving.
I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
I choose to move forward one step at a time.
I feel good moving forward.
I deserve success.
I enjoy taking action.
I deserve success.

I feel good moving forward.
I deserve success.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life
I am celebrating change and transition.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.

Essential Oil Blends: Motivation, Abundance, Highest Potential, Into The Future, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Transformation, Valor

I will be doing some future blog posts with EFT Tappings on specific fears that might be contributing to procrastination. Stay tuned. 😉

You will want to read the article, Tips To Help With Procrastination.

Filed under: MotivationSelf Sabotage