There is a statistic I have heard many times over the years that only about 3 percent really make any serious income. I don’t know if that percentage is accurate but I do know there is a lot of failure in this industry. It’s not just this industry actually. There are lots of areas where people struggle with success.
Most blocks to our business success are based in FEAR.
I want to share a handy little technique that I learned a few years ago. I use it to help in releasing fear and other negative emotional blocks. It’s called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This is a technique I wish I had known about in the beginning of my business.
EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that uses tapping instead of needles on acupuncture points on the face and body. This tapping is combined with verbalizing the problem.
The originator of EFT, Gary Craig, learned that all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system. The energy system is made up of meridians in Chinese medicine. Tapping on these meridian points while focusing on the negative emotion can help reverse the disruption in the energy.
Negative emotions around certain areas of our business end up as obstacles, or blocks to our success. We all have things that make us uncomfortable. For me, when I began my business, I had an intense fear of being a leader. A leader must be visible, in front of the team and demonstrating the way for others to follow.
One childhood trauma that contributed to my fear was being abducted by a stranger. Even though I escaped from my abductor, it left an impression on my subconscious mind and has effected the way I function in all areas of my life. I have had fear of standing out and being noticed. Being too visible felt dangerous for me.
This is a problem when you enter a business where the only way to be successful is to become a leader.
I struggled with being a visible leader for several years. To get the courage to act in spite of my fear, I read lots of books and listened to audios, over and over and over. Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins were a couple of favorites.
Then I learned Emotional Freedom Technique and began using it to release a lot of the negative energy around things in my business as well as other areas of my life.
How to Do Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT
The basic EFT sequence is pretty easy and takes only a few minutes to learn. With a little practice, you will be performing each round in under a minute.
You will be tapping with the fingertips of your index finger and middle finger and with only one hand. Either hand works just as well. Most of the tapping points exist on either side of the body, so it doesn’t matter which side you use, nor does it matter if you switch sides during the tapping.
When you tap on the points outlined below, you will tap about 5-7 times. The actual number is not critical.
The EFT Points
KC = Karate Chop
EB = Beginning of the Eye Brow
SE = Side of the Eye
UE = Under the Eye
UN = Under the Nose
Ch = Chin
CB = Beginning of the Collar Bone
UA = Under the Arm
WR = Inside of Wrists
TH = Top of Head
You can also tap the fingertip points. I sometimes tap these points discreetly when I am in public. Each finger can be tapped at the base of the nail.
Next: Focus On Your Problem
Think about the issue you want to release negative stress around.
The basic EFT setup phrase goes a little like this:
“Even though I have this _____________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
The blank above is filled in with a brief description of the negative emotion or other problem you want to address.
While tapping on the Karate Chop Point, say your setup phrase 3 times.
Here are a few examples of EFT setup phrases for business owners:
“Even though I have this fear of being a leader, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
“Even though I have this fear of success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
“Even though I have this fear of failure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
“Even though I am not motivated to talk to people about my business, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
“Even though I have phone phobia, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
Once you have tapped your setup phrase 3 times, then use a short reminder phrase on the other points.
For fear of being a leader, you could say, “fear of leadership” or whatever short phrase you want that keeps your mind going along that theme.
Don’t get too worried about the exact wording you use. Just focus on the negative emotion you want to clear. There is an EFT technique that I use all the time called “Tap While You Gripe.” You just start talking and tapping. I like this technique if I am really upset about something or if I just don’t know where to start.
You don’t need to say things out loud. You can be thinking the words as you tap. Just focus on the negative emotion while tapping.
Have you tried EFT? Leave a comment and let me know how you use it and what successes you have had.
Wishing you Abundant Success,
Tagged with: EFT for Network Marketers • Emotional Freedom Techniques
Filed under: EFT • network marketing success
Hello Melodie,
I have been in your YLEO downline for years now. That little post card you sent me so long ago that peaked my curiosity about the oils was part of a major turning point in my life, a transformation into self-discovery and spiritual awakening. As for EFT, I discovered it a few months ago when I needed it most, helping to alleviate the trauma of family crisis and lift overwhelming sadness about certain relationships. EFT seems to clear the way for mind and heart to form a new understanding and perspective without emotional baggage.
As network marketers for these essential oils, we must never for a moment forget just how amazing they are, and how essential, even life-saving they are in today’s toxic world and for an unhealthy populace.
As a life science research writer, I review articles in scientific journals and pass along vital information to my audience of readers and clients through syndicated articles and developing nutritional healing, health-building protocols. These protocols always include recommendations for use of the oils. Applying the oils to ourselves daily, of course, has more benefits than meets the eye.
What happens in the human body at the micro-level is more than nutrient absorption–it is also light energy storage. Based on the research I study in scientific literature in the fields of human physiology, nutrition science, alternative/herbal medicine, mind/spirit/ studies in the field of physics, and spirituality/energy healing, I have been able to put together powerful, evidence-based healing protocols that contain bio-photons, found in the phytonutrients of whole foods and nutraceuticals, and present in our beloved essential oils. I have learned that each of our trillions of active cells in our body require the maintenance and regular infusion of these bio-photons, or nano-units of light energy. Our vibrating cells need both the sun and fresh foods to keep us in the resonance of optimal health, and to elevate us into the positive thought vibrations that allow us to function at higher levels.
We can maintain this high energy vibration indefinitely if we learn what the human body requires to keep us there. Maintaining excellent circulation through regularly scheduled exercise, eating as our neolithic ancestors did or following ancient scriptures’ nutritional guidance and healing advice where the oils are concerned, and studying evidence-based nutritional literature rather than being misled by media hype, all combines for synergistic, holistic true health and healing. As light energy beings, we must attend to our health by literally keeping the light on, both in what we eat, put on our bodies, and what we absorb from the sun and from the Earth.
I have witnessed astounding transformations in my own health, and in my clients on many levels, thanks to the oils and improving the body’s inner ecology. By elevating our physical light energy levels to a higher vibration and using the authentic Emotional Freedom Technique, it makes it so much easier to lift oneself out of the negative programming that plagues millions of people tragically not living out their full potential. What a different world it would be if everyone could experience living in these higher vibrations.
Melodie, I am learning still, at age 56, just how much a bit of courage and self-belief touches the lives of others, and opens hearts, minds, windows and doorways of new possibilities. This blog is a sign that you are courageous. This kind of action is both therapeutic for the soul and is likely to provide the impetus toward the life you want to create. Once this ball gets rolling, it will continue to reinforce the fact that you are a great person with so much to offer.
I have so much gratitude for you introducing me to the oils and thank you for caring greatly by reaching out to share about EFT.
Many blessings and true health,
MaryEsther Gilbert, Holistic Nutritionist, Nutr. Sci. Research Writer
Hi Esther,
Thanks for sharing all that. You have some great comments there. I too have seen many transformations. I love how the oils enhance my EFT sessions. I love it!! 🙂
Hi Melodie, brilliant little tutorial. I know about the techniques but sometimes you can still get a little a-ha! moment.
When I read your ‘phone phobia’ sentence it sent a chill down my spine & I realise that I need todo some tapping on that! It also reminded me that you can get really specific & it isn’t always about the big stuff.