January is the start of a new year and a time that many people are thinking about the changes they want to make. Especially after the changes we have all been through over the past couple years dealing with Covid and all the ways that has affected our lives, many people make resolutions and goals for the new year. Some common ones are goals to lose weight, exercise more, overcome a habit like smoking or drinking too much, find a way to improve financial situation by starting a business or reducing debt.

Young Living has several wonderful essential oil blends that are awesome to use with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and any kind of work making changes or working with goals. EFT is a powerful tool in making changes and removing negative feelings that block success.

Here are a couple links with some info on how to do EFT:

Two oil blends I love to use with EFT are Release and Motivation, especially these days with Covid and all the other craziness that seems to be going on in the world.
Release helps release negative emotions that we sometimes get sucked into. I use Release in the beginning rounds of EFT where you are focusing on tapping through the negative emotions.

Motivation: This is one of my favorite oil blends for help getting moving. Motivation oil can help you overcome negativity and procrastination, so you can move past old patterns and reach your goals.

Using Motivation oil and EFT For lack of motivation when you are not motivated to do whatever it is that will move you closer to a goal. Not motivated to exercise? Not motivated to do a business task? Not motivated to eat healthy food choices? Whatever it is, insert that thought as you are tapping through the Tapping Script below. Don’t worry about getting the words right or the exact points. Just think about what you are feeling and tap through the points.

Apply 1 – 3 drops of Release oil on your fingertips, then tap on the Karate Chop Point with the oiled up fingertips. As you are tapping the EFT Points, you will have enough remaining oil to carry to all the other points.

While tapping the Karate Chop Point, Repeat 3 Times:

Even though I can’t get motivated, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel like doing anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m just not motivated, I choose to do it now.

Round One: Focusing on the Feelings

(eyebrow) I am not motivated.
(side of eye) I don’t feel like doing it.
(under eye) I just can’t seem to get started
(under nose) I am resisting getting started.
(chin) I don’t know what to do so I put it off till later.
(collarbone) I’m a little tired so I will wait till later.
(under arm) I don’t feel motivated.
(head) I’m tired of thinking about this.

(eyebrow) I don’t want to get it going.
(side of eye) Yes I do want to get it going.
(under eye) I’m feeling unmotivated.
(under nose) Releasing the habit of putting things off
(chin) Letting go of feeling unmotivated.
(collarbone) I am releasing the feeling unmotivated.
(under arm) Letting go of the feeling unmotivated.
(head) Release and let go of the feeling unmotivated.

Round Two: Switch to Positive add a couple drops of Motivation to your fingertips, or, if you prefer another oil, go with what feels right to you.

(eyebrow) I choose to feel motivated.
(side of eye) I choose to get moving.
(under eye) I step into energy and motivation.
(under nose) I choose to move forward one step at a time.
(chin) I feel good moving forward.
(collarbone) I choose to move forward in a way that feels even more motivating.
(under arm) I enjoy taking action.
(head) I choose to feel energized and motivated.

Here is another EFT session on Motivation:
EFT Tapping For Those Days When You Feel Crappy and Unmotivated:

Release That Angry Mood, It’s Blocking Abundance – EFT Session

Take a deep breath.

Do you want essential oils to power up your tapping?
Click here to Order Essential Oils

EFT Points:

EFT for Network Marketers

focusKeeping focused on the road ahead. When you are driving your car toward a destination, you need to keep focused on the road ahead. You have laid out the path to the destination and you start your journey toward your goal.

You look in the rear view mirror briefly but you don’t spend too much time looking at what is behind you. If you did that, you would run off the road and crash.

Another thing: you don’t spend too much time looking at the things beside you or around you. If you want to arrive safely at your destination, you keep focused on the road ahead. That way you see the bumps and potholes and anything that is going to slow or hinder you in your journey. Sometimes you may come across a detour and may need to make an adjustment to your route but you still have your destination in mind and you are still focused ahead on the goal.

Now think about the driving illustration as you work toward your goals. This principal applies to any goals we are working on. It could be spiritual goals, weight loss goals, exercise and fitness goals, business goals or pretty much anything we are working toward. Since this blog is primarily to help you as a network marketer, we will focus on business goals.

The first thing you need to do is figure out where you want to go in your business. Your WHY! For me it was FREEDOM. Freedom from the daily grind of having to go to a job that I really didn’t enjoy, just to make ends meet. Life is too short to waste doing that. Also Financial Freedom was a part of it.

Most network marketers start their business with the idea of some kind of freedom that building a home business can help you achieve. Whether you are thinking that an income on the side that would supplement your monthly income or whether you intend to grow a business that can fully support your family, the same principle applies. You have to keep your goal in mind and your eyes on the road ahead.

You will occasionally look in the rear view mirror to see things behind. You can learn from things that happened in the past, both good and bad. You must not spend too long dwelling on the past. If you do, you have taken your eyes off the road. This is especially a problem if we have things we feel bad about and wish we had done differently. We can end up beating up on ourselves and wasting time. Dieters often have this problem. A bad eating day can result in going days before getting back on track. Just acknowledge it and say, “Yup, I messed that up. Now I’m focusing on the future!”

As you are driving a car, there will be things that happen around you. You have someone in the car with you, you see beautiful scenery along the road, passing interesting locations you might like to check out or any number of distractions. The same is true as you are driving toward your business goals. There will be all kinds of distractions along the way.

There are several times during the year when when distributors can be tempted to take a leave of absence from their business. Summertime and holiday seasons are good examples. There are always going to be distractions. It is very unwise to take your focus off your goals during the summer or other seasons of partying. You can still have fun doing summer vacation things but never take your focus off your goals. There are plenty of opportunities to advance your business during the summer or other busy times.

You can stay in marketing mode even when having fun doing other things.

Never forget your your destination. That is why it is imperative to set goals, map out a plan to get there and then STAY FOCUSED on the road ahead. Always remember your WHY. Each morning ask yourself, “What can I do today that will help me to move closer to my goals?”

Those of you who are using Young Living Oils, you have several helpful oils that can help you keep focused on your goals. A few examples are: Magnify Your Purpose, Abundance, Frankincense, Envision, Clarity, Motivation, Dream Catcher.

Use oils with EFT to help you get focused on what you want to accomplish in your business. Remember and focus on your WHY.

Here is an EFT Tapping to Rev Up Abundance Energy – Focus on your WHY – Your Network Marketing Mission

Add the oils to your fingertips and tap through the points. It really does not matter which points you tap. Just tap through the points focusing on the words and feelings.

Starting at eyebrow point:

I have a gift that can bring freedom for some and I would love to share it more
In these economic times people really need solutions.
Network marketing is a solution for me and many others.
It is a better way and I want to share it with more people.
Sometimes I’m afraid to share what I have.
I admit it, Sometimes I’m kind of a chicken.
I’m so worried about failing.
I worry too much about what people will think.

Sometimes I’d rather be invisible.
It’s easier in my comfort zone
Yes, it’s easier to hide and play it safe …
but I have played small long enough.
I’m sick of playing small!!
What I have is really great and can really help people, me included!
I choose to remember WHY I am building this business.
What kind of person would I be if I didn’t share this?
I am a walking reward for 10,000 people.
I am going for it now!
Even though I am afraid of failing
I’m NOT giving in!
This is MY time!
I’ve waited long enough.
I am going for it.
I want to share a solution and get paid well.

This is my time to shine.
and I really do want it.
I am stepping up in my mission.
Yes, it feels scary, but I am doing it anyway!
I am letting the universe know that I really do want this.
I am ready to help other people find their FREEDOM This is my mission
I am open and ready to receive more!
I am GOING for it! Yes I am!!

Take a deep breath.

You can tap along with the video if you like:

fear-of-failure2Fear of failure is one of the subconscious reasons why you could be procrastinating and sabotaging your success. When you are afraid to fail, you live a smaller life with less risk. You stay in your comfort zone but no progress is made in your comfort zone. If you really want to make progress with anything, in this case your Young Living business, you need to release the fear of failure and step out of your comfort zone.

Try the EFT Tapping below to get started shifting your fear of success. You can add in any words or thoughts to the script and change it up as you feel the need.

Tapping on the Karate Point:
Even though I’m afraid to try again because I failed in the past, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel like trying because I have failed in the past, choose to believe I can do it this time.
Even though I have failed in the past, I choose to focus on success this time.

Start tapping on the eyebrow point and tap any points as you say or think the words below.

Focus on the problem:

I am afraid to try because I failed in the past
I don’t know if I can do it, I have failed before
I don’t want to take a risk
I’m afraid I might fail
What if I fail again?
I’m afraid to step forward
I’m afraid to get too hopeful
What if they say no?
What if it doesn’t work?
All these feelings around failure
All these fears that are holding me back
Making me sabotage my success by procrastinating
I tired of trying and failing.

Shifting to a positive feeling:

I can be successful even if I failed in the past
I know many successful people failed in the beginning
Abraham Lincoln was defeated in 8 elections
Michael Jordan was cut from the high school basketball team
Walt Disney was fired from an newspaper for lacking imagination
All the really successful people have failures in their past
They didn’t let failure stop them
They kept trying and growing
I can do that too
I choose to release that fear of failing
I learn from my mistakes
I am making mistakes and growing
I can believe in my success
I feel safe and confident in my continuing success
I no longer fear making mistakes
Bring it on!
One day I will be talking about my mistakes and how my mistakes paved the way to my success.

Essential Oil Blends: Abundance, Acceptance, Motivation, Highest Potential, Release,
Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation, Valor

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

Do you ever feel like there are times when you can’t seem to stay motivated to do what it takes to grow your business and reach your goals? We all have days like that but sometimes we can get stuck in a pattern of spinning our wheels and making no progress. This can happen even when you have learned all kinds of good ideas and information that, when applied, will help grow your business.

Whenever you find yourself stuck and spinning your wheels, it’s time to get refocused on your WHY. Knowing WHY you want to build this business is a powerful motivator. This is crucial to your success. If you don’t know why you want success in your network marketing business, you WILL NEVER have any success that amounts to anything.

Have you thought about your WHY? It needs to be strong and emotional.

If you have a goal to earn $5,000 or $10,000 a month, that is not a strong WHY. Stop and think about why you want that income. There needs to be an emotional reason that drives you to press on through the difficult times.

For me, I wanted FREEDOM. Freedom from working crappy jobs that I hated that did not even help us make ends meet. I wanted freedom from bill collectors calling. I wanted freedom from the pain of seeing things that needed repair around the house and not having money to take care of it. I wanted to be able to LOVE my life. I also wanted to retire my husband from the high stress job he hated. There has to be more than the drudgery of working crappy jobs, coming home so tired you go to sleep and start over again day after day.

Your WHY is needs to be strong enough to pull you through the rough spots and make you push yourself to do things when you don’t feel like doing them. Think about it every morning and throughout the day.

Here is an EFT that may be helpful in focusing on your WHY:

Remembering My WHY

3377Tap through all the points. It doesn’t really matter what points you tap. For this one, I will use Young Living’s Magnify Your Purpose oil. Put a couple drops of oil on your fingertips before you begin tapping through the points.
As you tap, focus on your WHY. Picture it in your mind, feel the emotion.

Round One: Focusing on the Feelings
(eyebrow) I am feeling really discouraged.
(side of eye) I have a lot to do but I just don’t feel like doing any of it.
(under eye) When I think about all I have to do I feel stressed out because I just don’t want to.
(nose) I know I must be consistently working every day if I want my business to be successful …
(chin) but I feel like taking a nap.
(collarbone) I feel changes coming and I don’t feel like dealing with it.
(under arm) I feel like taking a break from this right now.
(head) I think I need a swift kick in the pants.

(eyebrow) I feel so unmotivated.
(side of eye) I know what I want to accomplish in my business.
(under eye) I really want to put this off until I feel better.
(nose) If I put this off, I am putting off my dreams.
(chin) If I put this off, I am putting off the FREEDOM I intend to build with my business!
(collarbone) I realize my subconscious is trying to sabotage my progress .
(under arm) I know my WHY!
(head) I am remembering WHY I want my business to be successful.

Round Two: Implant Positive
(eyebrow) I can shift this mood anytime and I choose to shift it now.
(side of eye) I am remembering WHY I want my business to grow.
(under eye) I am giving myself a kick in the pants.
(nose) Release and let go of the discouragement.
(chin) I know my WHY and I am thinking about it daily.
(collarbone) It is ok to relax once in a while but I am keeping motivated to get things done.
(under arm) I am remembering what FREEDOM looks like for me.
(head) I am choosing to be joyful and motivated.

(eyebrow) I can feel my intense WHY.
(side of eye) I see it in my mind and I will get to where I want to go.
(under eye) I know some days I get more done than other days and that’s OK.
(nose) I am choosing to feel happy and motivated.
(chin) I DO love and accept myself and I love my style of doing things.
(collarbone) I am trusting I will build this business and achieve my dreams.
(under arm) I am consistently doing my Daily Method Of Operation.
(head) I am remembering my WHY and accomplishing my goals in a calm and confident way!

There are several Young Living Essential Oils that are awesome to enhance EFT. Here are a few possible choices: Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Abundance, Awaken, Believe, Dream Catcher, Highest Potential, Harmony, Joy, Live With Passion, Present Time, Transformation, Valor Take your pick 😉

Click HERE for Information about Essential oils that enhance EFT.

If you want to leave off the focus on negative and go straight to positive tapping, try the tapping below.

Click image to make it larger.

conscious-languageThe words we use on a regular basis can influence things.

Lately I have found myself using a phrase, “I don’t care.” far too often

A while back had a series of clumsy accidents. I tore ligaments in my knee, then re-injured it even worse than before. It changed the way was doing things in a major way. Because it was more than one injury, it took longer to recover than normal. I had to let go of a few things I was normally doing around the house.

The other problem is that after dealing with a couple months of a painful knee and back pain stemming from walking funny, I also began to get depressed. That’s where I started noticing those words showing up way too much. Whenever I would see something that needed to be done but I either couldn’t do it or didn’t feel like doing it, I’d say, “I don’t care.” There’s dust bunnies, “I don’t care.” Look at those spider webs, “I don’t care.”

That injury and the knee surgery was over a year ago but occasionally I still catch myself using the words “I don’t care” when I didn’t get something done. Yikes! Using the words “I don’t care” is not anyone’s best interest. There has to be some other words to use because those words are not true. I care very much.

We use affirmations to program our subconscious to be a certain way. EFT is a tapping of affirmations and statements to shift things emotionally and physically. Our words are VERY important. When we say things like “I don’t care” over and over we are actually programming our subconscious. Do we really want to program our subconscious not to care? What if that not caring overflowed to relationships with friends and family.

I have been thinking of a replacement phrase to say instead of “I don’t care.” I think I will say, “I’m not worried about it.” “I know it will get done when I’m ready.” “Ha Ha! There is another one.” Maybe I should have said, “I will meditate on that a bit.” 😉

When you catch yourself saying something or using words that are not in your best interest, stop, and say or think “Cancel” “Clear” or “Delete,” then reframe the words with something better.

Saying something once in a while isn’t going to hurt anything but when we keep saying something, that’s where we need to be careful. There is POWER in the words we use, especially ones we use often.

I can’t …
I am sick and tired of …
I’m tired …
I hate …
I hate to see …
I can never …
I can’t stand …
I’m broke.

You can’t create abundance or prosperity if you believe in lacks. You will need to reprogram yourself to believe that you can have abundance. Believing in lacks means you believe you will never have enough money for what you need.

Do you find yourself saying things like:

“I can’t afford that.”
“I just can’t seem to make ends meet.”
“I never have enough money.”

You need to stop programming yourself for a lack of abundance. Years ago when I first learned about abundance and conscious language, I realized I had to stop saying, “I can’t afford it.” Somehow when you say things enough, your subconscious makes sure it happens. I changed that to, “I don’t choose to spend money on that right now.

There is a book I highly recommend called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” by Joseph Murphy.

Energy follows thought. You get what you think about.