Jim Rohn was full of wise words for entrepreneurs. I listened to audio recordings pretty much on a daily basis in the beginning of my network marketing career. Actually I still listen to Jim Rohn audios, especially when I feel unmotivated.

The quote above seems pretty simple. If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way. That’s an important attitude to have as you build your network marketing business. Is that the way you approach your business?

I remember when I was starting out in network marketing. I was in desperate financial situation. We nearly lost our house. There were bill collectors calling. It was a really rough time. That was fifteen years ago. That troubled time was a blessing because it was during that time that I found the company that I would build my career in network marketing. It was the answer to our financial problems and it would eventually give us full time FREEDOM!

That freedom my family and I experience is the reason I feel very passionate about helping other people experience freedom for themselves.

Network Marketing is awesome but it requires serious hard work. Most people will not ever see time and financial freedom because they are not willing to do what it takes to be successful.

Do you know what you want?

Do you know your WHY?

Do YOU want to build a network marketing business big enough to experience time and financial freedom?

Are you willing to learn the marketing skills you need to build a successful business?

Are you willing to put in the time and be regularly and consistently doing what it takes?

Sadly, some marketers give up because things aren’t happening as fast as they would like. They have an attitude of, “I’ll give it a try and see what happens.”

You can’t approach your business with a try, we’ll see what happens attitude. That is a recipe for failure. The first bump in the road is often all it takes to derail people with a “try” attitude.

There WILL be bumps in the road. There will be many bumps. Sometimes it it will get down right discouraging but you MUST have an attitude of, “I WILL make this work! I will find a way!”

When you have a determined, nothing can stop me attitude, you don’t give up when things get tough. You make adjustments when something isn’t working. You know you will get there.

If you hang in there, you can do it. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you are taking the success of your business seriously.

To help you I made an EFT Tapping session on having a “Never Give Up” attitude.

EFT Tapping script in case you want to print

Think about WHY you are building this business.

Start tapping on the eyebrow point. (You can tap through any of the points)

I am going to succeed at this business.
I want this!
I am successful already because I am NOT giving up!
I will stick with it until I get there.
I want this, and I will fight for my dreams!
I know I can do this.
I start every day remembering WHY I am building this business.
I want this and I am not giving up.
I know there will be bumps in the road, but I will keep working at it.
I am persistent and focused on doing what it takes.
I keep learning and getting better.
I am developing new talents that I am using in my business.
I know I will make mistakes, but I am not afraid to make a mistake.
I refuse to give up.
I’m getting stronger and more confident every day.
I view the bumps in the road as exercises that strengthen me.
Setbacks do NOT scare me.
I make adjustments as I go.
I am exercising my skills.
I see others who have done what I want to do.
If they can do it, I can too.
I know where I am going and I persist towards my goal.
I am persistent and I am reaching my goals.
I want this and I am NOT giving up!
I am willing to put in the time and do the work.
I am willing to learn what I need to learn.
I’m NOT giving up!!
I know I can do this!
I refuse to give up.
I am relentless and persistent.
I am gratefully allowing success.

Take a big deep breath.

Feel free to return as often as you want and use any of the EFT tapping sessions.

EFT Tapping - Never Giving Up Tapping

Do you ever find yourself holding back when opportunities arise to speak about your products or the business? Sometimes we get in our own way and make things feel larger than they need to be.
Think about all the times you shared your favorite recipe, a movie you really enjoyed or if something really helped you in some way. It’s easy to talk about. Your business and your product use should feel the same way.

When we are selling the product, it somehow feels different but if you just shift your mindset a bit, you can make it feel as natural and easy.

Don’t be afraid to say you sell the product. “Yes, I sell these products. They have helped my family so much I decided I needed to earn enough to cover my oil habit. It ended up growing into a full time career.” 😉

Or, “I love these products so much and I can’t live without them so I decided to sell them and earn a little extra income. Who knows how far it can go. Hey! Why not join me and we can do this together. What fun we could have working together supporting our family’s physical and financial health!”

Don’t make it feel weird, just matter of fact. No worries if they do not want to join you. They may down the line. Keep reminding them by using the product front of them and even sharing something that will help them. Not salesy, just sharing.

It is really important that you really believe in your product and business. Find a product you LOVE! I know some people can sell anything but most of us are not that way but we DO love talking about things we love. For me, essential oils was easy because I LOVE things that smell good. Years ago, when I began my business, did NOT know that most of the scented perfumes and candles were full of toxic chemicals. Thankfully I have learned and replaced the toxic products with healthy ones, but for me, that’s not what makes me feel joy and want to talk about it. It’s the way I can lift the mood with just a drop of oil. It’s playing with making my own skin care products it’s so many fun things I can’t list them all. Find what brings you joy and talk it up. 😉

If you have products that help people strengthen their health or immune system, replace toxic chemicals and have healthier options, there is a mission in that. People need to know there are better option.

Whatever you need to do, refocus on WHY you’re doing this business and what you LOVE about the product.

It’s true, there are times when you need a little help. This is where I like to do a little tapping to get my mind focused on what I intend for growing the business.

Here is some tapping to help release the fear of speaking up:

If you are using essential oils with your tapping session, add the oils to your fingertips and tap through the points. It really does not matter which points you tap. Just tap through the points focusing on the words and feelings.
I love using Valor for courage to speak up. Other oil blends that are good with this EFT session on belief are Abundance, Acceptance, Gathering, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Release.

Side of the Hand:
Even though I’m holding myself back from speaking up about my products (or the business),
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m holding back from taking action, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I’m holding back from sharing the awesome products and business I have, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

Starting at eyebrow point:
I keep stopping myself from talking about my products.
I keep holding back.
I LOVE my products but I keep holding back.
I know they will benefit from them like I have.
I have all these fears inside,
I fear they will reject me.
What if they hate network marketing?
What if they think I am stupid for being in a network marketing business?
I hate feeling like a sales person.
I have all these uncomfortable feelings.
Why do I feel that way?
I LOVE these products.
They have changed my life in so many ways.
I love how I feel.
I really want to share with my friends.
I have no problem talking about a movie I loved, or a recipe I love or even a product I love.
My earning a commission from products I share should not feel yucky!
I love these products so much I decided to earn a little extra money selling them.
It’s not weird at all.
Plus, It’s actually fun when we do this together.
It’s not weird to talk about the products I LOVE!
I have decided to stop making it feel uncomfortable.
I release the emotional attachment to holding back.
I release the emotional attachment to fear of rejection.
If I asked a friend out for coffee and they said they couldn’t do it right now, do I feel rejected?
It’s not rejection of me!
I release the emotional attachment to holding back sharing the good things I have.
I release the emotional attachment to holding back sharing the products I LOVE!

I am open to talking about a product that I actually sell.
I love it so much I wanted to sell it!
There is nothing weird about that.
Letting go of any old ideas that holds me back from speaking about a product I love.
Releasing any ideas that told me it wasn’t okay to talk about a product I love,
just because I happen to sell it.
I had a fear they would think I was only trying to sell to them so I didn’t speak up,
but I am THANKFUL someone shared with me.
It has changed my life!
I’m letting that old way of thinking go now.
I’m releasing that way of thinking go now.
I’m releasing the emotional attachment to that way of thinking go now.
I now know it’s okay to talk about a product I sell.
I’ll just say, “I loved these products so much I decided to sell them and earn a little extra income to pay for my oily habit.”
Nothing uncomfortable or weird about that at all.
I’m releasing any fear of sharing what I LOVE!

I delight in sharing what I LOVE.
I love talking about it.
I love rolling oils on people
I love taking action.
I love helping my friends.
I love sharing.
I radiate confidence.
I am full of passion.
I love how confident I am feeling.

Take a deep breath.

Click to enlarge Tapping Points Image:

EFT Oils

Your success in network marketing is up to you. Whether you build a full time income or whether you never earn a dime. It’s all up to you and it’s all in your head.

There is a difference between the top earners and the ones who never earn any money in network marketing. The top earners spend a little time every day doing things that will improve their skills and confidence. They read newsletters, books and listen to audios. They keep up with the latest news with their company, what’s working in marketing and things that improve their mindset.

Building skills and mindset affects the way you function every day in your business. It affects the way you carry yourself and the way others see you. It builds confidence. When you have that, you talk with authority and more people listen.

There are things that we all have in our heads that came from past experiences. Some of those things in our head can cause limiting beliefs and mental blocks to success or earning a lot of money. Sometimes people have a ceiling where they can get to a certain level in the leadership ranks or an amount of income and then the limiting beliefs kick in and we can find ourselves sabotaging our efforts.

Procrastination is one of the biggest sabotaging behaviors people get into. Procrastination is pretty much always coming from some underlying fear or limiting belief.

Think about what you want to accomplish in your business. Do you want to supplement income or build a business to the point where you can be full time?

Now look at your daily actions in your business. Are you promoting your business? You should have between 3-5 different marketing methods that you use every day.

If you are promoting your web site, are you checking email and responding to emails and phone calls?

If you are going for days without talking to people about your business or doing any promotion or followup, you have some limiting belief that is holding you back.

EFT is wonderful to help release limiting beliefs. That is why I love supplementing personal development training with EFT. EFT never replaces personal development training. It enhances it.

Personal development is at the root of every successful network marketer. I would be willing to say it is the absolute most important ingredient for success.

Our thinking affects everything. It is crucial that we build our success mindset.

Here is a video I did recently on why we must be ALWAYS improving our success mindset. I have also included an EFT Tapping Session on Belief.

How strong is your belief in network marketing? How about your belief in your own ability to build a successful business? This is something you need to think about and make sure your belief is strong. It’s so important to have a strong belief. We become what we believe.

Can you see yourself as a top income earner in your company? Can you see yourself earning a living with your business? If you can’t believe in yourself, you will never make a success in network marketing.

One important way to build belief is to constantly be picturing yourself in the role of a successful high earning business owner. See it! Feel it!

Listening to audios, reading books, read emails from upline and attending company events can really contribute to your belief. Visualize your success.

Another way to way to strengthen your belief is to do some EFT. You can tap the EFT points as you are visualizing your success. EFT is also great for releasing doubts and fears that get in the way of belief in your abilities.

Try this tapping script when you feel your belief slipping:

Even though I’m having doubts about my success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have doubts I can be successful in network marketing, I choose to feel confident now.
Even though my doubts are blocking my success, I’m willing to grow in confidence and belief.

Round One: Focusing on the Feelings

(eyebrow) I have all these doubts about success…
(side of eye) I have these doubts in my abilities…
(under eye) I’m full of doubts about network marketing …
(nose) I choose to feel confident…
(chin) I move forward in spite of my doubts…
(collarbone) I become more and more confident and release doubts.…
(under arm) I am releasing the doubts …
(head) I can release all the doubts.

Round Two: Release Fears & Implant Positive

(eyebrow) I choose to release all these doubts….
(side of eye) I am releasing all the doubts about network marketing….
(under eye) I am releasing all the doubts about my ability to attract customers…
(nose) I am releasing all the doubts …
(chin) I can believe in myself…
(collarbone) What if I can actually let go of my doubts…
(under arm) I think I will let myself be full of confidence…
(head) I choose to believe in myself.

(eyebrow) I choose to know I can build this business…
(side of eye) I love releasing the doubts…
(under eye) I radiate confidence…
(nose) I choose to be full of passion and abundance…
(chin) I love how confident I am feeling…
(collarbone) I am so confident, other people are noticing it…
(under arm) I radiate strong confidence…
(head) I love how I feel when I know I am attracting abundance.

Young Living distributors will want to use one of the essential oil blends to enhance the process. I love using Believe essential oil blend. Other oil blends that are good with this EFT session on belief are Abundance, Acceptance, Gathering, Release, Valor.

Just add a couple drops of oil to your fingertips and start tapping through the points. You can add specific doubts and fears where you want in with the tapping script. You can also tap through several times if you need a little more clearing on the issue.

You have to stretch yourself to get to the really good stuff that lies outside of your comfort zone. Most people never get to see how good the network marketing lifestyle is because they never stretch their comfort zone.

The thing is, when you get out of your comfort zone, you are actually stretching your comfort zone so that whatever once made you uncomfortable, becomes comfortable. You are growing.

Here are a couple tips for expanding your comfort zone:

  • 1. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway – That is an expression we often hear but it is a good place to start. You don’t have to jump in the deep end into the most fearful things but start with small things that make you feel uncomfortable. As you grow, you will be stronger and more confident to take on bigger things.
  • 2. Make a Plan – Take notice of the way you feel about certain things. Make a plan with smaller steps that will help you expand your comfort zone in that area.

    For example: In the beginning of my network marketing career I had a fear of being a leader. I was more comfortable being a follower but in network marketing, you must be a leader if you want to be successful. When you first start out, you have a very small group so it’s easy to take small steps. Part of my plan for overcoming fear of leadership was to learn everything I could about network marketing, leadership and my company.

  • 3. Increasing In Knowledge – This is a very important part of expanding your comfort zone and it should be a priority in your plan for success. As you learn, you apply those things to what you already know.

    Going back to the fear of leadership issue: I read books and listened to audios on things related to leadership and success in network marketing. I also hung out with leaders by going to meetings and events and talking to them, getting on conference calls and subscribing to their newsletters so I could observe them in action. As I learned things, I was always thinking about how I could use this information to help my downline. That is what a leader does, learn, apply, then share with the team.

    As I grew in experience and knowledge, my leadership skills grew. I am still growing and expanding my leadership skills and my comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be scary. Just start where you are. Take the first steps and keep expanding.

  • 4. Use Your Imagination – See in your mind’s eye the place you want to be. Visualize how you want your future and your business to look. A little visualization should be in your plan every day. It helps you look beyond the things going on today and keeps you fixed on the goal.
  • 5. Do Some EFT Tapping – EFT can be helpful in all kinds of ways to remove negative blocks and enhance the law of attraction.

Try tapping along with the Tapping Session below on being Confident Outside of My Comfort Zone:

Download the Printable Tapping Script: Confident Outside of My Comfort Zone EFT tapping script

Come back as often as you need and tap along with any EFT Sessions you need.